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Trees & Hedging Plants

Garden Centre > Plants > Trees & Hedging

We have found 1151 trees & hedging plants from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £4,737.99.

Our guide on Trees may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

Showing 821 to 840 of 1151 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

MAGNOLIA tripetala

Magnolia Tripetala

hardy tree with large leaves and pungent creamy flowers

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MAGNOLIA 'Wada's Memory'

Magnolia 'Wada's Memory'

fragrant white flowers which are larger than those of M. kobus and borne in abundance

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PERSEA thunbergii

Persea Thunbergii

the most attractive feature of this unusual evergreen is its bright red new growth which appears ...

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Phellodendron Amurense

attractive aromatic leaves and silvery hairy winter buds

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PYRUS salicifolia 'Pendula'

Pyrus Salicifolia 'Pendula'

silver foliage with a graceful drooping habit, flowers white

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SOPHORA japonica

Sophora Japonica

creamy-white pea flowers in long terminal racemes

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STYRAX japonicus

Styrax Japonicus

pendulous bell-like white flowers in profusion. A most attractive summer-flowering tree

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SORBUS megalocarpa

Sorbus Megalocarpa

pungent creamy-white flowers and russet-brown berries. A rarer and less well known Chinese species

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QUERCUS myrsinifolia

Quercus Myrsinifolia

small and compact tree with dark green leaves which are paler beneath. Used as a windbreak at Cae...

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CALOCEDRUS decurrens 'Aureovariegata'

Calocedrus Decurrens 'Aureovariegata'

irregular golden twigs and tips make this variegated form an attractive backdrop to a more formal...

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NYSSA sinensis

Nyssa Sinensis

a hardy species with red young growth and brilliant red, orange and yellow autumn colour

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CASTANEA dentata

Castanea Dentata

an American sweet chestnut species with narrower leaves

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EMBOTHRIUM lanceolatum

Embothrium Lanceolatum

hardiest form of the Chilean fire tree with scarlet flowers. A difficult plant to establish so ex...

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Castanopsis Sieboldii

this Japanese and South Korean species is a recent introduction. The tree forms a wide evergreen ...

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EMBOTHRIUM coccineum

Embothrium Coccineum

magnificent orange-scarlet flowers in May and early June. This species is only suitable for the W...

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FRANKLINIA alatamaha

Franklinia Alatamaha

remarkable small tree or tall shrub with cup-shaped white flowers which only open in a hot late s...

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STYRAX obassia

Styrax Obassia

large ovate leaves and white bell-shaped flowers

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STYRAX hemsleyanus

Styrax Hemsleyanus

columnar tree with racemes of white flowers

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Acer palmatum var. dissectum (Japanese maple)

Acer Palmatum Var. Dissectum (Japanese Maple)

Position: partial shade or full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained neutral to acid soil...

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Euonymus fortunei 'Blonde Beauty'

Euonymus Fortunei 'Blonde Beauty'

A versatile, evergreen, low-maintenance shrub that thrives in almost any position! The leathery c...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our pages on trees, and hedge plants.

  • Prunus incisa - Snow showers (Prunus incisa)
  • Sunset behind the Poplar
  • From tiny acorns mighty oak trees grow
  • Donadea Forest
  • Strange Sky - My garden at 3.30pm today.
  • Cherry blossom lined path

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