Buy Seeds And Bulbs In The Lathyrus Genus
Buy Seeds And Bulbs In The Lathyrus Genus
We have found 95 seeds and bulbs belonging to the lathyrus genus from 3 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £14.99.
Currently viewing genus Lathyrus (Show all)
Showing 1 to 20 of 95 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Aphrodite Sweet Pea SeedsThis lovely white is a super multi-flora producing up to nine flowers per stem! The flowers are... |
Aquarius Sweet Pea SeedsSuperb for cutting Aquarius is early to flower and will give at least two or three blooms on long... |
Barry Dare Sweet Pea SeedsDeep scarlet almost cherry red blooms are nicely waved. With long strong stems just perfect for c... |
Blackberry Sweet Pea SeedsSuperb dark velvety maroon blooms are carried on long stems on this beautifully scented modern gr... |
Cambridge Blue Sweet Pea SeedsA deliciously scented multiflora type with up to five large ruffled blooms per stem. Although Cam... |
Candy Sweet Pea SeedsThis unusual striped and speckled chocolate maroon has a solid picotee edge.A handsome flower wel... |
Castle Of Mey Sweet Pea SeedsNamed by gracious permission of HM The Queen Mother after her Scottish home this outstanding vari... |
Cathy Sweet Pea SeedsNamed after the heroine of Wuthering Heights Cathy belongs to our Romantic series of Sweet Peas w... |
Celia Sweet Pea SeedsDelightfully fragrant Celia is the perfect variety for both the garden and indoor use. This charm... |
Champagne Bubbles Sweet Pea SeedsThis unique colour - delicate lemony cream flushed with amber - deepens after cutting. The flower... |
Charlie's Angel Sweet Pea SeedsThis exceptionally beautiful Sweet Pea is free flowering with beautifully waved and ruffled bloom... |
Classic Sweet Pea Seed CollectionOur finest varieties specially bred to give you the best results when showing.Our Sweet Pea colle... |
Cupani Sweet Pea SeedsSicilian monk Cupani sent seed of the wild Sweet Pea to Robert Uvedale of Enfield more than 300 y... |
Dancing Queen Sweet Pea SeedsLarge blooms on long strong stems. It has an exquisite scent which complements the very frilly fl... |
Daphne Sweet Pea SeedsLong-stemmed and perfect the slightly ruffled lavender flowers have a superb scent too!Bred by Un... |
Denis Compton Sweet Pea SeedsThis large flowered sweet pea bears superb frilly soft pink flowers pale cream at the centre. The... |
Duo Magenta Sweet Pea SeedsA real breakthrough in bi-coloured Sweet Peas. All the charm of the large flowered Spencer types ... |
Duo Salmon Sweet Pea SeedsThe second in our Duo series this salmon and white spencer bi-colour was outstanding in our trial... |
Emily Sweet Pea SeedsEmily is a delicious long stemmed rose-pink grandiflora with delicate veining. The strongly perfu... |
Evensong Sweet Pea SeedsNamed for the colour of its soft blue blooms tinged with lilac Evensong will remind you of the tw... |
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