Buy Seeds And Bulbs In The Primula Genus
Buy Seeds And Bulbs In The Primula Genus
We have found 12 seeds and bulbs belonging to the primula genus from 3 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.85 to the most expensive at £2.99.
Currently viewing genus Primula (Show all)
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
Evening Primrose Yellow Queen SeedsLarge, single lemon-yellow flowers are produced in profusion on bushy, spreading plants. Spectacu... |
Evening Primrose Wedding Bells SeedsThe striking white blooms turning pale pink as they mature are produced on neat compact plants. ... |
Wildflower Cowslip SeedsDelicate clusters of sweetly scented golden yellow flowers hang on erect stems above rosettes of ... |
Cowslip SeedsIdeal for border and rockery. The flowers can be used in salads. Height 20-23cm (8-9). HP - Hardy... |
Primrose SeedsSweetly scented flowers in early spring. One of the most well-loved of all British wild flowers. ... |
Primrose Spring Joy SeedsThis sparkling mixture of primroses is one of the prettiest harbingers of spring. Lovely in a woo... |
Primula Veris (Cowslip)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, humu... |
Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: poor to moderately-fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of grow... |
Polyanthus Giant Thrill Mix SeedsWhite, yellow, red crimson and blue shades. Very hardy. Large flowers. Sensational spring colour.... |
Primrose (Cultivated) Springtide Mix SeedsAn excellent primrose bearing a profusion of early flowers in a range of pastel shades. Ideal for... |
Primula Denticulata Hybrids SeedsImpressive rounded heads of flowers in shades of rose, lavender, lilac and white will brighten up... |
Primula Obconica F1 Tickle My Fancy Mix SeedsA lovely primula obconica, in a wide range of bright colours, that has the added bonus of being P... |
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