I haz started
By silvisherr
Sooooo, over the weekend I finaly made a start. Only a small start!! I brought home Tom and Stan the Tomato Plants! I bought a Hanging Basket and some Fuschias. The Fushias were a bargain price I thought, £2.50 for 6, just because 1 was dead in the Pack already. The Campenula was a leaving present from one of my Colleagues up in Yorkshire and the Hydrangea was a thank you present from the House Guest we had over the weekend. I know that the Pot’s I used for the Fuchias may well be a little to big but I want to use what I already had to start of with. All in all I spend £20.00…so far!!! I don’t think that is to bad at all. I don’t really have a ‘Green Thumb’ so I first want to be sure that I can grow anything without committing a full scale garden masacre!!! I am slightly worried that I may over/under water the Plants….the Yard is a total Suntrap and the weather forecast is Hot.
OH has promised that when he returns,in 2 weeks time he will move the Bricks and we shall make a more permanent arrangement…..I can’t wait. I am very excited….
21 Jun, 2010
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You will do fine !! I know that tomatoes need plenty of water and looking after.I did manage to get some toms off mine last year but I prefer to see flowers so I have given them a miss this year.
If in doubt about whether something needs a drink, feel the compost. I think if you have a sunny spot and it has been a warm day then pots will need a drink most evenings. Ideally you want a nice rain shower overnight - everynight!! Watch out when the plants grow bigger as the foliage tends to cover the soil in the pots and very little rain would actually reach the soil so they can still need a drink.
I would look out for bargains in garden centres and diy places. I think most plants that are easily available are pretty tolerant and if you get some bargains and they don't work out, try something else. I bought a couple of honeysuckle plants for 50p each from Focus a couple of years ago. They looked so dried up and were nothing more than a twig. I planted them and although one failed the other has grown into a welcome addition to my raised bed.
I just pop things in and give them a chance.If you get the gardening bug badly then that garden of uours will be full of pots and colour before too long.
Enjoy your plants and keep us up to date on your progress :)
21 Jun, 2010
You could always use the blocks to make 'steps' ... I always liked the look of pots on people's stairway down to a cellar or up to a terrace so I've used red bricks. Welcome to Goy ... if I haven't said that already! :o)
21 Jun, 2010
Hi Fluff. That is what I would like but.....the Other Half already has plans for the Bricks!!! But maybe I can pursuade him around to my way of thinking!!! If I knew how to do it I would stack them into steps myself already
21 Jun, 2010
That's wonderful - once you've started you're half way there :o))
22 Jun, 2010
great start well done you, lovely basket ;o))
22 Jun, 2010
Do it at night while he's asleep Silvisherr!! Just make steps with the bricks & put pots on to look like they've always been there! Or say the fairies did it & it's bad luck to move them!!
22 Jun, 2010
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I don't think your pots are too big, the plants will soon fill out, you've made quite a feature out of the bricks, well done so far!!
21 Jun, 2010