The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Siris's Calendar

Siris has added 848 plants.


Due over 7 years ago:

Protect tender plant.

Diplarrenia morea
Crinum powellii
Dietes bicolour

Due over 6 years ago:


Prune after fruiting in summer, Gooseberry plant.

Due almost 6 years ago:

Feed citrus.

Feed Citrus with summer feed May -October


Never Flowered -feed May till outumn

Due about 5 years ago:

Name changes.

Dicentra = Lamprocapnos
Sedum = Hylotelephium
Aster nova-bellii = Symphotrichum n-b
Scarborough Lily = Cyrtanthus

Sow hemerocallis seeds.

(Time Warp x None like you)XMildred Mitchell?TETS 8seeds
Joan Senior X Sabra Salina DIPS 13 seeds
Dark Double Tet? X Joan Senior? DIP 2 seeds
Joan Senior X Ruby DIPS 4 seeds
Yabba DABBA Do X Joan Senior DIPS 3 seeds
Dark Chocolate ? X Entrapment DIP 2 seeds
Dragon Dreams DIP x Lady Neva DIP 2 seeds
Entrapment DIP X Strawberry 2 seeds
Daring Deception TET X Dark ChocolatE TET 5 seeds
Pretty Miss TET X Freewheelin TET 7 seeds
Pink, deeper Pink eye X Dragon Dreams DIP 23 seeds
Pink, deeper Pink eye X Lady Neva DIP 5 seeds
Burgundy(Lexington Avenue?) X Belly Button TET 5 seeds
Dk Double(Ezekiel?) X ((Time warpxNone like U)xBelly Button)) TETS 2 seeds

Due almost 5 years ago:

Liquid seaweed feed.


Feed citrus.

Feed Citrus with winter feed until May.

Prune citrus febuary.

Prune Citrus Feb

Take cuttings clianthus pink flamingo.

Take cuttings Pink Flamingo.

Due over 4 years ago:

Take seed white dierama.

Take seed Dierama to start a single colour clump.

Due over 3 years ago:

Bearded iris tm black x 20a16.

10 TM Black x 20A16 (Gala Madrid x High Master)
Put in TopBed 2 left 1/3
14 Tm Black x 20A16 put in Top Bed 1 line fown middle.

Iris added to allotment.

6 Always Afternoon x Aurora 20A24 (or Anaconda Love) T1 near bottom
8 TM Black x Role Model T1 top middle
8 Alien Mist x Aurora T1 mid 1/2 way
4 Perfect Peach x 20A10 (Chevalier x Sharpshooter)
T2 left side

Allotment iris.

4 H19 42 Or 43 Bed T2 middle edge
6 20A34 Dp purple/black Bed T1 top
7 Torero x 20A16 Bed T1 middle midway

Due almost 3 years ago:

Prune olive tree in spring.

Prune the Olive tree.

Source felicia petiolata .

Climbing pink Aster.

Due over 2 years ago:

Remove thalictrum flavum .

Remove Thalictrum flavum ( seeds everywhere) replace with Veronicastrum sibiricum subsp yezoense in garage border.