My garden.
By slushpuppy
How has everybody been coping with the evasion of slugs and snails.IN am trying to make my garden more inviting to my feathery friends ,and benefical to the insects,bees and wasps that pollunate my fruit and vegetables.I have two robins that live iin my garden,robins are very terretorial,so this is rare.I have a family of tits,with yellow feather tips,and a pair of black birds.The female black bird was guarding her nst of eggs,looking a very proud ,mother with her head held high looking out of one eye,when we peered in.But something happened she dissapeared ,we have seen glimses of a female black bird,but is it her.Her male partner still comes to the garden.One day IN was in the garden ,and next to me was a bee one minute he/she was near me and the next she /he disappered down a hole in the grass.l have also had a family of foxes ,living in my garden in a den under my shed. Slushpuppy
16 Sep, 2012
Welcome from me to, I have had to wear gloves when weeding this summer as the slugs are everywhere. They seem to like the edges of the lawn where it meets the flower beds - I dont remember finding this before.
16 Sep, 2012
Welcome To GoY :o)
It's nice to have a wildlife friendly garden.
16 Sep, 2012