Where's the rain
By snowie
I’m getting increasingly wound up with the lack of rain where I live, (Norwich) the weather forcasters keep telling me loads of rain is on the way but it nearly always fizzles out before it gets to us. I have seven water buts in my garden, even so it doesn’t take long to empty them after a rare rain. I’m on a water meter and have to use a hose when desperate like topping up the pond, and to make matters worse it looks like I have a leak in the pond liner now. Think I may sell up and buy a flat!!
25 Aug, 2013
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It seems the southeast has missed a lot of this years rain after last years deluge..........
26 Aug, 2013
Thanks Lincslass,
Yes it is stocked with about 30 goldfish and a 30yr. old mirror carp. I have turned off the water fall so I can watch the level. It has now stabilizedafter losing an inchover night . Have looked around the water level but no signs of damage. Will have to be patient.
26 Aug, 2013
Snowie , Friday night brought a deluge here (about 17mls from Norwich ), how did it miss your place ?
How annoying for you .
26 Aug, 2013
Hi Driad,
Yes I must admit we did get a good shower Fri night, but my sandy soil is dry on the surface again. I gather you must be south of Norwich as our little corner quite often misses out.
26 Aug, 2013
I hope you get some rain soon. It's a nuisance having to water the garden all the time, and the place gets so dusty ...
We get too much here lol :D
26 Aug, 2013
There's your answer Snowie - move to Wales :-)
26 Aug, 2013
It has been very dry here as well since April. I am constantly having to water, even if it does rain Snowie, it is also either heavy for 2 minutes then stops or is very light. Even the grass was going yellow back in July, all strange after last years soaking. Has been good for me to decompact the soil, so there is a silver lining.
27 Aug, 2013
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22 Oct, 2008
Oh dear, I'm on the Lincs / Rutland border and our waterbutts and ponds were replenished through last night and early this morning so the garden is looking revived again, not good to get a leak in the pond at this time of the year, is it stocked with fish????
25 Aug, 2013