My new herbery
By songthrush
I decided to make more room in my herb garden and so embarked on enlarging it a little. I marked out where I wanted it to be took out the turf and laid it aside and then started digging. Suddenly “clunk!” A pain shot up my right arm and I realised there was a problem. Further investigation revealed a large piece of concrete which proved to be the remains of a very old washing line. The circular piece of concrete proved to be two feet deep and about a foot across. I managed to dig far enough into the earth to expose all of it. I put a rope around it and called my husband for help but it was no use, we got the top edge of the concrete as far as the grass but it would not come free. Then we saw a large spike protruding from the under part of the post. Eventually I took the advice of a friend and rang the council who sent an inspector around that same day to look at it and tell us how much it might cost. He told me his men would come the following morning. This they did and with one pulling on the rope and the other standing in the hole with the post in his arms out it came as sweet as a nut. I have downloaded a few photos of the hole (but no post as it was gone before I thought of posting this) and one or two more of some of the things at present flowering in the garden. At least the herbery is finished and I hope will establish itself before winter arrives.
30 Sep, 2011
Next post: Early flowers
That looks really good:)
30 Sep, 2011
Thanks girls.
The hole seemed like a crater to me as well I can tell you.
I was reading your Heuchera blog Sticki. I love them as well. This year I have moved and divided some of mine. Caramel is my favourite. I will put some pictures up next year when they are at their best.
30 Sep, 2011
It's a huge hole. You could make it into a pond lol.
1 Oct, 2011
not sure it was me songthrush but i do like them, i have a few now ~ midnight rose is my favourite but i also like liquorice and lime rickey??
1 Oct, 2011
Sorry Sticki. It must have been Nana-d's blog. I have a lime heuchera as well. New for this year.
When I was remaking the herbery I got stung by an ant. My ankle has swollen up and I have a rash across about half of it. The burning has been terrible but fortunately it is all beginning to recede somewhat after three days. Who would think such a tiny creature could cause such discomfort?
2 Oct, 2011
amazing isnt it ~ i find 'anthrisan' very good for any bites.
2 Oct, 2011
Ha! Funny you should reccomend that. It was the first thing I used. Always keep some by me. Didn't do too well this time though. I get awful reactions from all sorts of creatures. It's a wonder I'm still around. I'm a good dodger.
2 Oct, 2011
I already have a pond of sorts Hywel. The men who came and took the post out made my husband & I look like weaklings. One pull and it was gone. Talking of ponds, I have discovered this year a way of keeping mine looking clean and sweet. It was covered in blanket weed and I just couldn't get rid of it. I emptied the pond, cleaned it and then took a trip to our local aquarium centre to see if they could help. They reccommended a barley bundle. It is only small, takes a month to work and lasts for a year. I bought two then I have one to put into the pond in 11 months. The water is so clear I can see the bottom. My resident frog and dozen or so newts are doing nicely. The frog sunbathes on warm days hiding his body behind a pot and putting his fore-arms on the side and sticking his head out. He is so sweet.
2 Oct, 2011
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your garden looks lovely, i really like your new herb garden, that hole is huge ~ like a crater!!
30 Sep, 2011