New to this site,
By tjnnannys
I have an old dog bath, and I would like to grow various vegetables in it. Which the best time to grow things like potatoes and carrots etc….
6 Aug, 2014
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I have just sown some Carrot seed in planters on my balcony. If you take your reading glasses to the Garden
Centre and read the backs of the packets, you can find
a fast grower which will mature in October.
Remember to keep the surface of the soil damp, especially
in this hot weather. Will germinate in 10 days.
8 Aug, 2014
Just found the packet. Its Amsterdam 3 (Sprint)
Unbeatable for Baby Carrots.
8 Aug, 2014
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22 Oct, 2008
No need to put this on blogs when you've put it on Questions! But as you didn't mention which veg in your other question, Potatoes are planted in Spring. There are several groups and you'd be advised to plant from the First Early group. Buy a small pack as there won't be room for a normal one.
You will not have room for carrots at the same time, so you weill have to choose, but you can grow other stuff with them eg lettuce. They need a very light soil without any stones or lumps. The instructions will be on the seed packet but again you sow in spring, as you do most veg.
6 Aug, 2014