By trudije
I have a large garden ex- council house managed to duplicate my photos so not very clear. Recently chicken run has gone and shed creating space (alas my neighbor has still not cut her huge conifers down which block a lot of sun) she has removed half then seems to of stopped.
My children are older so playhouse etc can go.
We have a mainly grassed back garden, patio against house. I have made a border one side wich seems to be doing ok. We have a pond and need advice as to plants to suit around a pond.
Basically I am stuck veg plot at end has gone to pot as hubby never bothers so shall I do more veg or open up the area create more garden??
Lawn is uneven and patchy would a shrub are within the lawn look ok??
14 Mar, 2013
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Go through all the photos of gardens that have been posted here. You will get some great ideas from very
innovative people.
14 Mar, 2013
Welcome to Goy Trudi, I have looked at your photo's and it seems your garden is a fair size, I myself have a decent size and have incorporated ponds, raised beds, veg plots, g'houses, sheds, plus an area that is the dogs run, I am the gardener here as my hubby can't stand gardening but I am never happier than when getting down and dirty, that is one thing to consider how much time you have and will you enjoy what you are doing.
Diane is right, have a browse through the blogs and photo's, the A-Z at the bottom of this page will be a great help to you as well, click on the P and pond ideas and planting will be on the list, always someone around to offer advice and encouragement on here.........
14 Mar, 2013
Hi , and welcome to GoY :o)
I think large areas of grass are a lot of work to mow all the time, and boring to look at, so maybe you could break it up with areas of shrubs and more herbaceous borders ... both of which should encourage birds and insects into your garden.
You might like to think of island beds in the middle of your lawn, that you can walk right around.
How about an arbour os something where you could grow climbing plants. There are so many to choose from.
As for vegetables, they are a lot of work too, so it depends on how much time you've got, and how interested you are in growing them.
You might think yourself lucky that your husband isn't interested in the garden, because it means he won't interfere with your plans :o)
Maybe looking at other people's gardens on here will give you some ideas.
Good luck ...
15 Mar, 2013
I've found the photos you uploaded now, sorry I was looking in the blog for some. I have to agree with what Lincslass and Hywel have said, and that lawn is way too big, you could have some beautiful borders in there, but it does all depend how much time and effort you're prepared to put in and whether gardening is a pleasure or a chore to you. There's lots of info here on GoY though, and I hope that before long you'll be showing us some more photos of what you've done in your garden :)
15 Mar, 2013
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22 Oct, 2008
Hi Trudije, it's a bit difficult without seeing photos. As far as veg growing goes it does depend really on whether you need/want to grow veg and how much time you have to spend tending it. Also, whether it's sited in the right area of the garden, getting enough sun. I can't see how big the lawn is, if it's too uneven and patchy could you dig it up and start again? Might be easier! Again it's difficult to give an opinion without photos... Good luck!
Oh, I forgot about the pond, I don't know anything much about ponds, but I'm sure you'll soon get comments from people who do!
14 Mar, 2013