Tomato problem
By tryharder
Hi there, just found that some of my tomatoes have ‘blossom end rot’ ! This is a new one for me and hoping it won’t affect all of the crop!!!!! Anybody else have this problem this year?? My first ripe tomato was first I knew of it and have found around 5 green ones affected which I have taken off and destroyed, will check each day
28 Jul, 2018
We had one plant that had this problem. My friend Barbara who is in charge of watering was overdoing it and the plant in question was constantly sitting in water. It is ok now.
29 Jul, 2018
Due to irratic watering :(
31 Jul, 2018
Hi, only just seen this sorry. Saw I think it was last weeks Gardeners World that this year had been a bad year for blossom end rot due to the high temperature. Tomatoes don't like it over 30. Saying that, last year I got it really badly but my daughter had seen on FB about grounding egg shells and adding to compost when planting out. She gave me a tub of it that she had ground. Almost in powder form. Egg shells are made up from Calcium carbonate. I will say that this year I got no blossom end rot so I have started to save up my own egg shell for next year. Hope this helps. 😀
14 Sep, 2018
Good suggestion, Jen. Also, when you boil eggs, save the water. Let it cool & give to your plants (any plant but esp tomatoes). Some of the calcium from the shells has dissolved in it & will be immediately available to your plants.
14 Sep, 2018
Hadn't thought of that about water Bathgate. Makes sense thinking about it. My only trouble is at moment I'm into poached lol 😀. Got those little pods that put egg into to poach them. Makes it so easy.
14 Sep, 2018
Blossom end rot is caused by the plant's inability to transport calcium to the fruit. Calcium is essential for plant cell wall structure. That's why the tomato goes black & mushy. Several different factors can cause this inefficiency, including: improper watering, the wrong kind of fertilizer, nematodes, soil PH, nutrient deficiency in the soil, immature plants (in this case BER will be corrected as the plant matures).
I don't know your specific situation, but hope this will give you a place to start. I just picked my first tomatoes this morning and ate them before I can get back inside the house. Yum!
29 Jul, 2018