By vii
since i broke my leg it is not so easy to get out into the garden. My other half has been doing jobs like cutting the lawn, and keeping it tidy in general. but it is doing my head in that i can not get out myself. still hospital tomorrow hope cast comes off.
21 Aug, 2012
More blog posts by vii
Sorry to hear about your leg. It must be very annoying for you not being able to get in the garden. I hope you have good news from your hospital appointment.
22 Aug, 2012
Good luck, dont worry about the garden it will still be there.
22 Aug, 2012
Your leg may feel quite weak when you get the plaster off, which is disapointing when you cant wait to get going again. Just take it easy and enjoy a long bath/shower and all will soon be well :o)
22 Aug, 2012
This must be horrible, at least you know your garden has been taken care of (:
22 Aug, 2012
Sorry to hear about your leg. Frustration is awful when you are unable to do what you want. I suffer bad health and have had to learn how to negotiate a lot of jobs that I would have once done myself. Hope you got good news at the hospital and they removed the cast.
22 Aug, 2012
Poor you! I sympathise and really hope you get the cast off tomorrow. Am recovering from illness myself and know how difficult it is to 'take it easy' when there are things you long to do!
22 Aug, 2012
thank you all for your kind comments I have had cast off. but as janfren said it still feels very weak. still being able to message and read other members comments keeps me sane, I would not have found this site had it not happened. Every cloud has a silver lining. vii
28 Aug, 2012
Hi Vii, does that rhyme? Glad to hear you're cast is off. I think you'll enjoy being a GOY member, only problem is ... you keep seeing plants you MUST have:-)
8 Sep, 2012
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So sorry to hear this it must be so frustrating for you, roll on tomorrow, when the cast is off you can have a good scratch!
21 Aug, 2012