I gonna get there, I'm gonna get there soon!!!!!
By vilai
Good evening to everyone once again!!!
This morning I rose out of bed with a smile on my face. Feeling
motivated and full of New Year resolve, I was determined to have a
‘great day’. I cheerfully made my way downstairs, wiping my eyes as I
went along each step. Entering the front room, I could hear my
kittens behind the kitchen door crying for their morning feast.
Ignoring their plight, I dutifully turned on the PC and logged onto
Then it hit me! Narrowly missing the desk with my chin, I fell to the
floor in absolute shock. As I grabbed the foot of my chair, it moved
forwards with a jolt but I finally heaved myself up and sat glued to
the screen.
‘Cor blimey,’ I gasped. So many wonderful messages and so little time
to answer them!!!! What do I do now??? This might sound strange to
you coming from a completely Thai girl, so instead I shall interpret
what I really meant…’cor blimmey….this varrry specckle flied
lice!’ So I gathered my low I.Q’d thoughts and stumbled into the
kitchen, Oblivious of my starving 8 month old kittens, Kitty and Boo,
I simply stared into space and watched the blackbirds pecking at the
bleak and dismal excuse I have for a garden.
Now many, many hours later and about an hour left till my Ebay
auction ends – (I’m selling my mobile phone so I can get an Apple
iphone instead) – I am finally sitting back at the wheel.
I have briefly read through as many messages as I can but there is an
abundance of interesting people and pictures and I want to talk to
everyone at the same time. This will be hard as I am a little bleary
eyed and my joints hurt from the fall I had this morning!Te He!!
Well there is lovely Janey,Gilli(from Kamloops, wow!), Irish – from
Ireland, Hywell(she has really wierd looking cacti plants – one looks
like a starving chicken!), Pink Floyd (he’s from Canada you know and
likes gargoyles and isn’t scared of dying!) and then
theres’ Fleurdemai who has 4 really beautiful dogs…I want one but I
can’t afford one, so I have to think sensible….Skippy from
Arizona….!! Sid who loves abit of mushroom on the side but in a
previous life designed a beautiful garden for me and did all the hard
work for free..I wish!!
Oh my goodness, I could go on forever but then I would not be able to
write my PM’s to you all. PLease bare with me – I am doing so now and
am really enjoying the site.
Hope to speak to everyone that left me messages of encouragement and
comments that made me laugh…Rob do you have munchins in your
beautiful garden or do they only come out in the summer when you are
there too?
Have a wonderful night my friends on GOY’and think ’onwards and
Kind and sweet regards from Vilai*. (Thai for ‘waterfall’)
3 Jan, 2009
More blog posts by vilai
Previous post: A Happy New Year and Thank you so much everyone for welcoming me!!!!!!
Vilai, (beautiful name by the way), you are too funny. Love this blog. Don't worry, there is plenty of time to contact everyone. After all, we're not going anywhere.
Make sure you check out TerraToonie's blog on the Wellie Olympics. We will be needing all the athletes we can get. All new recruits gratefully welcomed. LOL.
3 Jan, 2009
Valai my tranquility water fall; You are quite the story teller. It sounds like a piece right out of 'The Wizard of Oz'
Are you falling for us already? Te He!!
I think you are a wonderful person like the rest of the GOY's in here that I have met in such a short time.
If you hang you will find out how much we DIG it in here and how much it GROWS on you, so keep LEAFING thru the posts and the abundance of info available.
Do not worry the trees may have BARK but none of us bite!
So PLANT your feet firmly and have a BLOOMING great time!
Pardon my GARDEN!
The SOIL maybe dirty but our minds are clean.
No munchkins I think not but the Lolly pop men have given me a visit but nothing I can't lick! ENJOY!!!
4 Jan, 2009
Silly me the Lolly pop Men are Munchkins after all! Oh my I must lay down now and think lovely thoughts before I go into Subconsciousness and then rim and I'm getting oh um I cannot stay awake much longerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
4 Jan, 2009
Hi Vilai,
So you've caught the GOY bug then. Well done !
4 Jan, 2009
Absolutely Hywell!!!! Rob (Pink Floyd) really seems a nice guy - I thought he was awfully ugly at one stage but when I investigated further, I found he was quite sane looking!!!
I simply love looking at your homes...I had to show my kids yours skinny chicken!!!
4 Jan, 2009
Hello Pink Rob, did you have another late one?? Munchins, lollipop men,gargoyles and no fear of death...? Errmmm, I think you need some English tea and toast, (read your blog!!)
Yes - it's 10;18am and I'm onto already.
4 Jan, 2009
Hi Vilai so pleased you like being with us all, i think we are like one big happy family.
4 Jan, 2009
Ha ha - don't worry, I for one am not offended if I don't receive replies to all of my various mumblings and moanings! Be careful - you can easily end up spending all your time on GoY and none of it on your garden! I do hope those little kittens got fed in the end and that your chin is healing up nicely :-)
4 Jan, 2009
Welcome again Vilai...lovely that your name means waterfall....
4 Jan, 2009
Please can we have pics of your kittens? lucky you to have two. What are they called? Don't forget to plant a basking spot for them in the summer - with catnip!
4 Jan, 2009
great blog made me smile!!
7 Jan, 2009
Gor blimey if I never fed my animals first they would wreck my legs and my laptop.lol
8 Jan, 2009
Hi Vilai, Love your blog. my cat scratches my legs to bits if i dont feed it as soon as i get up mornings,
then sraight on to GOY, well why not when all my favourite people are there i dont think i have overslept since becomming a member,
But i have never been late for work so often LOL.
10 Jan, 2009
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Nice blog, I sense a little self deprication.
Low IQ'd? me thinks not..! :o)
3 Jan, 2009