To get rid of Acanthus from your Flower bed
By wallacelaw
Acanthus is a very invasive plant that is difficult to get rid of. The main problem is that its extremely deep rooted and the roots themselves break very easily. Digging it up is not an option. This is what I did before I realised the nature of the problem. The most likely solution is to use a systemic weedkiller and spray the whole plant when its in full leaf and in the growing season. Spraying when in full leaf ensures maximum absorption of the weedkiller. By not digging it up you ensure as best you can that the root system is continuous and that the weedkiller reaches the whole root system. It is best not to plant anything in its place until you are absolutely sure its completely dead. If it does reappear you have to continue spraying until there is no sign of it reappearing. If you’re lucky it may be gone at first attempt, if not treatment may need to run over to the following year. Good Luck.
21 Jun, 2020
yes it can be a thug cant it. There is no point spraying bare earth with a systemic weedkiller though as most become inert on contact with the soil and if there is no visible plant there is nothing for it to be taken up by.
But you are right about digging it up, the tap root will just repsrout like dandelions do.
welcome to GoY :o)
21 Jun, 2020
I did go through the dig it up routine. It took several years but it did work in the end. If you don't like systemics all you need is patience...
21 Jun, 2020