By wannabe
I usually walk my yard every morning to see what the animals or mother nature did overnight, it calms my mind before i go off to work. We had a bad storm yesterday and my peonies paid the price, they are flat today.
My rose bushes are getting ready to explode into color. The 2 i have are very old, maybe 100 years or so, the houses previous owner told me that when we bought the place. I have planted many rose bushes and all have died, these look great, i do not touch them, except to cut back dead limbs.
I do a lot of container gardening because i like the look and it is easier to keep weed free and i dont have to get on my knees, i have arthritis.
have a great day in your garden
28 May, 2008
Previous post: my first blog
Next post: stroms
Stephanie, I can truly sympathise (sp) about arthritis as I have the same problem, And also about the weather. This year seems to be a bad one here in the US for storms. Your home sounds lovely Those roses must be just gorgeous. I have a herb and vegetable garden on my patio in raised boxes so that I can garden and sit while I do it. A book you might like is "The Bountiful Garden" by McGee and Stuckey, It has lots of info and ideas.
28 May, 2008
I no the feeling awalk around garden gives in the morning wannabe :D its so peaceful with only the birds singing &asking 4 their breakfast,i look2 see whats opened up &whos going to open next? Some times if weather permits il have my cupa out there until its time2start the day thinking&clearing my head :)
29 May, 2008
I think us gardeners must all do the same every morning,
After the high winds the other day, I have debris all over my garden, but we have to be philosophical (big word that) get it up and put it in the compost bin!
My bluetits have still not fledged,they will be fully adult soon.
29 May, 2008
hi stephanie, its nice to just walk around the garden early morning isnt it , sorry about your peonies. we had heavy non stop rain yesterday, clearing up now and all seems ok in the garden except for the amount of snails and slugs
28 May, 2008