Rose of Many Colours
By yorkieian
Other wise known as Harlequin Rose.
Just done some more digging ( pardon the pun ) on the internet, and have found other similar roses( but not as good as mine ).
and aparently this rose is a Harlequine, so there goes my idea of having a rose named after me out the window.
Thanks for all comments
16 Jun, 2010
No I hadnt heard of them either before this, I still cant believe that you can have 3 individual colours on one rose bush, just doesnt seen normal.
What makes it more amazing is that for the last 8 years all i had was a wild pink rosebush, and from one severe prunning, I have suddenly got a vigorous rose bush
17 Jun, 2010
I have another similar rose. It's called Masquerade. It's yellow and red and an orangey colour all on the same bush. It grows very tall.
17 Jun, 2010
Mine is about 6 ft at present, with similar colour range
Still thinks it very bizarre
17 Jun, 2010
Mine is about 6 ft at present, with similar colour range
Still thinks it very bizarre
17 Jun, 2010
Yes it is strange :o). Is yours Masquerade , or is that a different one ?
17 Jun, 2010
I have no Idea, It could be Masquerade or Harlequin, I had not heard of either until this week, and would have thought it impossible to have seperate coloured roses on one stem,
Mine start off as bright as seperate Yellow, Pink and very Dark Red all on one stem , eventualy the Yellow will turn mottled Pink to very Pink and then mottled and Dark Red.
For nine years it has just been a wild pink rose ( it should have known better it should have been white ), but it never did much and was very spindly, last year i gave it a very severe prune to encourage it to thicken up and this is the result
17 Jun, 2010
I have no Idea, It could be Masquerade or Harlequin, I had not heard of either until this week, and would have thought it impossible to have seperate coloured roses on one stem,
Mine start off as bright as seperate Yellow, Pink and very Dark Red all on one stem , eventualy the Yellow will turn mottled Pink to very Pink and then mottled and Dark Red.
For nine years it has just been a wild pink rose ( it should have known better it should have been white ), but it never did much and was very spindly, last year i gave it a very severe prune to encourage it to thicken up and this is the result
17 Jun, 2010
That's strange. Maybe the wild rose it was grafted on to had grown out.
18 Jun, 2010
I've never heard of that rose. It sounds very pretty.
16 Jun, 2010