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Beautiful Autumnal Acer
By Milky

16 Oct, 2009
Comments on this photo
What a beautiful Acer love the colour.....
16 Oct, 2009
Stunning colour !
16 Oct, 2009
Thanks girls.......This must be its best year ever for the colours its displaying at the moment........
16 Oct, 2009
Glorious colour.
16 Oct, 2009
So beautiful Milky......
16 Oct, 2009
Stunning, Milky!
16 Oct, 2009
They do put on a brilliant display for autumn..Good photo
17 Oct, 2009
Thats lovely.
17 Oct, 2009
Wonderful colours
17 Oct, 2009
wow..gorgeous colours
17 Oct, 2009
Thanks Everyone.....
17 Oct, 2009
Lovely arent they Maureen - something to look forward to in the autumn.
19 Oct, 2009
I think its when they really come into their own Dawn.....I love the deep red of the spring growth, but not as much as this............
19 Oct, 2009
I know, they are amazing and so graceful - another of my favourites :-)
19 Oct, 2009
spectacular milky very nice
22 Oct, 2009
Thanks Shamrock......
22 Oct, 2009
Wow.......that is stunning Milky fabulous Autumn colour!
22 Oct, 2009
Thanks Janey........
22 Oct, 2009
It`s gorgeous, what type is it?
23 Oct, 2009
Labdancer its an Acer Palmatum 'inaba shidare' its very fine leafed
23 Oct, 2009
I hope mine eventually looks like this one. Really gorgeous. Thanks for identifying the 'Brugmansia'. Love Roseberry
16 Nov, 2009
Pleasure Roseberry...Brug flowers hang down Datura stand up......
16 Nov, 2009
This is you know which acer it is so i can have a look out for one?
10 May, 2010
Minihoney...This is an Acer Matsumurae.......very fine lacy looking leaves.....
11 May, 2010
ok thankyou, milky. Will look out for this one
11 May, 2010
What a glorious autumn colour.
21 Sep, 2011
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This is gorgeous Milky what fantastic colours are in this.
16 Oct, 2009