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Canadian Touque

Canadian Touque

Aerodynamic - keeps the wind out of those ears, airflow redirected down the back of your neck, for a quicker pace!

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Are the red berries in the background to give a winter flavour ?
Very clever move, Lorraine.
Some sort of holly?
Can't quite see.
I know you'll add a comment to identify that bush for us.

Toque looks good for gardening and winter sports.
But ~ airflow down the neck ~
keeps wind out of the ears ???
Could this be information overload ?

I like the plaited woolly bits, so that'll probably be the decider.
Check Wellie Olympics page later for the final decision ~
after Chrispook has provided her much-needed input

6 Sep, 2008


The plaited woolly bits tie under the chin and above them are the much needed ear flaps lol, the red berries behind the hat are my bumper crop of crabapples - dried crabapples could be strung together for a garland tho dont you think..

6 Sep, 2008


Very nice functional hat, but if you look at my Hungarian sheepskin hat you must admit it has the edge for appearance and flair.

8 Sep, 2008


Wouldn't be without mine either, Lorraine!

29 Jun, 2009

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