By Lizziebarr
United Kingdom
what is eating my marigolds
- 6 Jul, 2008
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I agree- I would only grow marigolds in pots where slugs can't get at them. Of all plants -marigolds seem to be their favourite!
6 Jul, 2008
They ARE a magnet for slugs/snails. Use them as a sacri ficial plant to keep them from more valuable plants/edible crops, or grow among tomatoes, etc., to deter white/greenfly.
6 Jul, 2008
Hi Lizziebarr
Probably slugs/snails My cousin had the same problem and was advised the same. She bought some slug pellets and the first morning after scattering them amongst her Marigolds she collected 100 dead ones and the following morning, 40! Hope this answers your question.
Regards, Viv
6 Jul, 2008