Popeymike's Profile

About me
I'm not a plant expert but love "having a go", mainly by trial and error.My garden is small but sunny. Strictly organic,I don't kill anything- not even slugs (I just try to out-wit them!).I believe everything has its place. I get much inspiration for my gardening from the natural landscape-as you can see from some of my pictures. I've recently "cultivated" an interest in permaculture ( http://www.permaculture.org.uk/) and I truely believe that it could solve many of the worlds current problems.Anyone interested in organic gardening should investigate this fascinating subject. "Flowers are not the only thing that blooms in the garden; people do" to borrow from a permaculture essay I recently read.My other interests are music, camping,photography,vegetarianism and walking.
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Joined in Jul 2007
Country: United Kingdom
County: lancs