Goes under
By 230338
Earlier in the year i made an oak table for my Water can to stand on. I polished and waxed the surface to a high gloss. It was just a time filler really. However during a recent snow storm i noticed more and more garden straw being formed under the table. I thought ha ha there is a plot afoot and how could straw grow under my beautyful little table. Jumping jimeney cricket the straw moved suddenley and two beedy eye,s were veiwed looking straight at my binoculars. The straw parted and there it was in all its glory ,sleek and ready to move, A beautyful form to be admired under my table the cheek. What on earth could i do! i opened the kitchen door in my trusty wellies and went out to feed the beast . It was Lucy the cat from next door. Take care all enjoy lol.
23 Dec, 2010
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Better under your table than the Bird table.lol.
24 Dec, 2010
I thought you had a hedgehog hibernating under your table! Nice to have some shelter for the moggie from next door though.
24 Dec, 2010
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I thought you were going to tell me Pinky and Perky had found a new home.
24 Dec, 2010