Whistonlass's Profile

About me
We are struggling with clearing our back garden as it's very overgrown with weeds, brambles, ivy, elderflower (to name a few). I have mobility difficulties so progress is slow. I'll be reading blogs and viewing garden pictures for some inspiration.
We are nana and grandpa to 4 young granchildren and recently retired after 26 years as newsagents....and we are thoroughly enjoying lie-ins and the freedom the days give us!
I may grow herbs in pots but will concentrate on flowers & shrubbery.
UPDATE....last year (summer 2011) we landscaped and had new fencing installed which you can read about in my blog entries.
2012....spring has arrived and I am now looking at the garden after winter and wondering what has survived, how I can add more shrubs and complete the painting and setting up of our little summer house. Sadly....the weeds are growing too!
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Joined in Aug 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Merseyside