Pleasent Future
By 230338
This year could be wonderful. Seed orders awaiting delivery. Greenhouse awaiting the most beautyful coloured plants (I visualize the way i would like it to be) and we have many bird visitors again. I may be exagerating after all its only January but please forgive my Imagination it runs riot quite a lot. Cactus in propagator look fine and Even the crocus bulbs i planted last year are begining to break the soil surface. GOY freinds hold onto your hats it just could be an exceptional year. Take care enjoy.
9 Jan, 2011
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Well we're obviously not out of the woods yet but we certainly deserve a good Summer. We're all like small children before Christmas itching to open those seed packets. I like any house plant especially in Winter but preferably ones that will go outside in Summer.
10 Jan, 2011
Can't wait to see how you would like to be with your choice of seeds, how they grow well for you and can't wait to see all the colour preferabley in sunshine.
10 Jan, 2011
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I`ll join you in your optimism, fingers xx, I`m itching to get started and have been into the greenouse, I`ve taken some geraniums into the house today as I noticed lovely new shoots sprouting, I smuggled them in and placed them on the windowledge in the dining room behind the curtains, hopefully my notso observant hubby won`t even notice them, ( I get moaned at for having too many indoor plants).
Pleased to say we are getting lots of bird visitors as well....
10 Jan, 2011