would you believe it ?
By 230338
after loosing several disagreements with Tiny (our budgie) whilst reading my morning paper , i decided to vamoose outside to my safety area( the garden). Having been requested to change the washing line i went into hyper drive and replaced it with a yellow line. Ecky thump i became overwhelmed with birds attacking all three dangling bird feeders. I further retreated to my shed for protection thinking " Tiny have you summoned your relatives to get me". One feeder was rapidly half emptied, a grease ball vanished, then another grease ball shrunk. a prisoner in my own shed i thought how can i escape?. Then tally ho here,s the cavalry and into the sunlight came my trusty beast fire in her eye,s(also a little twinkle) yes Lucy saved my day the birds got away safely. The motto for today is “eat your hart out Tiny and don,t leave my side Lucy”. Wonder if doctor Doolittle had these problems. Take care all enjoy wildlife and gardening.
20 Apr, 2011
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Oh dear, poor Tony!! It sounds like a Hitchcock film at your place!! That's terrible getting divebombed by birds that you're feeding out of the goodness of your own heart! Hope Tiny doesn't get any big ideas, or he'll be the one doing the divebombing at you or Lucy tomorrow! Your good wife will have to come and rescue you both!!
20 Apr, 2011
Flip! Snap Sixpence! We must have posted at the same time! ;0) Isn't Ecky thump brilliant! Lol!
20 Apr, 2011
Well done Lucy - cats are good pets aren't they, even if they do occassionally catch a bird. Our cat, Molly, is usually very good with the birds and just sits there watching them but yesterday she killed a little wren. If she does catch one, which isn't very often, it always seems to be one of the less common ones.
What a rescue !
20 Apr, 2011
I guess Tiny is a wise bird and thinks no news is good news, lol. Lucy is good not chasing the birds, I`m on red alert daily at the moment as my Caspar has decided its a good idea to lay in wait for the baby birds, I rescued a baby blackbird this morning then the little devil caught another one later on whilst I was indoors, trouble is he then presented it to me...
20 Apr, 2011
Stripes - my feral cat who I'm trying to tame down - brought me a Carolina wren the other day, just put it on the doorstep. I keep him well fed but I suppose he still feels like he has to hunt. My other cats are all indoor cats and they do love to watch the birds from the windows.
21 Apr, 2011
thankyou all for your comments Tiny and i are now freinds again my good lady has put him in his place which is an acheivment i could never match.
21 Apr, 2011
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Sounded like the birds the film by Alfred Hitchcock lol glad you were saved by Lucy what a great friend to have, not heard Ecky Thump for ages :o))
20 Apr, 2011