By 230338
Having successfully installed three glass shelves in the bathroom and it being lunch time i ventured back to my shed to put my tools away and hopefully enjoy my lunch. My good lady stated " your lunch is ready" in a kindley tone on the phone , and i turned to leave the shed. Crikey ( i thought) some 15 ft infront of the shed door, on one of my bird boxes on the wall, two Blue tits loaded down with grubs for the chicks were entering the nest. That was 1-30 pm at 2-15 i was still in my shed waiting for them to vamoose. “if you dont come in now your tea will go cold” was the message i received . At 2-25 i wandered back into our dining room ( very hungry) and thought (I bet those chicks were laughing their little heads off at me). Good lady understood though so all was ok. Take care enjoy .
28 May, 2011
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lincslass your so right guess we are softies but they always seem to entertain me whatever they get up to. We have a bird that imitates my whistle quite frequentley when i go out to my shed or greenhouse. My good lady tried to whistle to it but not a replie was had (LoL). Take care enjoy. Tony
29 May, 2011
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Made me chuckle Tony, I`ve been stranded in my bottom greenhouse many a time rather than disturb the birds away from the feeders on the apple tree, big softies aren`t we, I`m sure you are right about them laughing because we brave all the elements to feed them and last winter suffered many numb fingers clearing birdbaths....
28 May, 2011