By 230338
The rain vanished , the sun came out , the sky became a pleasant blue it began to get warmer. Wonderful i thought ,after our gym session we can launch into the many jobs in the garden. Lucy sat on our garden tool box and looked very regal. Tiny watched from the lounge window with an air of dominance. So that was the cat and budgie sorted. We came back from the gym in wonderful warm sunlight but alas very shattered due to our instructor putting us on a new programme. Lucy was asleep on the lawn and Tiny had lost his head under his wing. Caramba! i thought is it us humans that don,t know how to enjoy life or do pets have the answer . I be thinking (little bit of jack sparrow put in their)its our pets that have the answer. Its the lawn tomorrow then (LoL). No weeds or dandelions can be seen, just grass needs attension. Take care all and enjoy good health.
31 May, 2011
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hi elizabeth Thankyou for the search suggestion we found Tiny,s head but have put a reward out for his body (LoL). Will download what i have on veiw of garden but its not a good shot(Only one) taken 7 days after treatment last week. Kills,off dandelions Elizabeth but not daiseys i,m afraid. Having slight computor problemn at the moment but it really is,nt Tinys body amongst the hard drive. Blimey just found his body ,it was stuck to his head after all . Did,nt like the way lucy was licking her lips anyway LoL. Take care elizabeth will try to down load and post asap. Be good and hope your lawns are green. Tony
1 Jun, 2011
their you go elizabeth its best i have at present me harty. Tony
1 Jun, 2011
Ah Har!! Capt Tony, me wee landlubber!! Thank you for the pic, I do think the grass is much greener! Good thing you found Tiny's head...I reckon you would miss him giving you, as you put it, 'a load of old buck!' Don't like the sound of Lucy licking her lips...have you looked in your biccy tin lately? She may have turned into the Phantom Fig Roll Napper!!
1 Jun, 2011
I know for definate it's my pet that has the right idea :) I'll have to take a leaf out of her book I think lol
2 Jun, 2011
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I think, in your house Tony, it's the pets that have the right idea! Where did Tiny lose his head? Do you think the bold Lucy might have it? Maybe it dropped off when he fell backwards into his seed bowl? If we lose anything in our house...we usually find it down the back of the sofa! So, maybe if you had a look down there, you'll may well find the elusive lost budgie head along with the long lost manners!! And I know what you're thinking, that twerp has lost her mind! Ah ha! And I know just where to find it! Excuse me, while I dive down the back of the sofa...
I'm back! Found it! Can I just ask you, does your weedkiller kill daisies too? Could you take some pics of your lawn, so we can see a before and after? I'm a wee bit wary of killing the daisies and dandelions, I might not have anything green left! Hope you and your good lady recover from your workout soon, it's a great endeavour to be involved in! Have fun!
31 May, 2011