By 230338
So there i was sat in the Sun listening to the wonderful singing from the birds, glass of wine to my right two Fig bar to my left. Then it happened from behind one of my Petunia bowls a little face with a kind of sexy kneck and two beautyful eye,s came very slowley towards me. I could,nt beleive the speed it approached me it really was,nt as slow as one would beleive. I put my hand down and gave it a peice of lettuce from my salad. Now your wondering what it was . Ok it was a Tortoise named fred. Next doors little lad had put him out but Fred had breached the fence in his haste to meet people. He stayed at my feet ate my lettuce and listened to my portable with me until the lads mum shouted " Fred, fred, fred Your blooming dead" she was laughing when i handed Fred back to her. Nice lady ,nice little lad, and Fred well he,s my mate now (LoL). Take care enjoy. Fred may visit again tomorrow if i,m lucky. Hope gardening goes fine for everyone. Tony
2 Jun, 2011
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That was funny :) I hope he will visit you again soon lol
3 Jun, 2011
hi elizabeth you must take into account that the wind was behind Fred as he approached me. On the other hand Fred may have had a dodgy cumpass like jack sparrow. Its quite unlikeley that Fred thought my toes were baby tortoises looking at him. Alas i havent seen Fred today although i had some lettuce here just in case. Your Nephew likes car racing then,great thought but i must admit Fred appeared to be supercharged. Hope your garden enjoyed good weather to dayElizabeth, its been scorching hot here. Take care enjoy. Tony
3 Jun, 2011
hi hywel Haven't seen Fred today its been very hot here today he may have taken to the shade. Birds have been very prominent though. Very quiet at the nest boxes and that is unusual. Take care hywel glad you liked the blog. Tony
3 Jun, 2011
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Honestly Tony!...what is it about your feet and stray animals! First it's poor half drowned Lucy, drying herself off, and now Fred, the turbo-charged tortoise, eating your hard grown lettuce! And it's not as if the neighbours don't already eat them all on you! My sister and I had a tortoise when we were wee, and you'll hardly believe it, but the dang thing ran away! Never did find it! But I can understand when you said it moved quicker than you thought...they can get quite a head of steam going when they have somewhere they want to go! My nephew had one when he was about three years old, and he totally mistook it for some sort of a friction toy car, you know, the wee cars you charge up by running their wheels back and forwards on the, three times no less, I had to stop him scrubbing the poor thing on the path outside the back door, all the while saying 'Go faster'er! GO FASTER'ER!' Dear, oh dear!
2 Jun, 2011