Quack, Quack
By 230338
The term one may associate with a happy Duck and all ducks here were very happy with the weather today. i managed to water and feed my plants(3 gal of feed used) and then it poured down. Ecky thump what a change from yesterday. Still it made me think that my lawns were being watered naturally, and most plants looking sprightly. Got the chance to photo my plants when the rain stopped this evening. Hope you like the photo,s. Its potting fuchsia cuttings tomorrow. Please take care and enjoy Tony
15 Jun, 2011
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Your petunias are certainly a credit to you, Tony - they look marvellous, and your garden is so neat and tidy.
16 Jun, 2011
thankyou Mariek. Its try your best and hope for good results really. Didnt expect as nicer show as i have in petunia,s as the weather was so unusual. Feeding frequentley and a good watering plan seem,s to have paid of. Hope you have similar results in your garden. Take care enjoy Tony
16 Jun, 2011
Well i be jiggered. Hi elizabeth Got more than i bargained for with my pouches this year and more petunias are opening as i type. Have wall boxes either side of front door and they are so colourful. Heaven no matter which way i look (LoL). Have already built a cold frame in my greenhouse elizabeth and hope i can save a few cuttings for next year in it. My good lady hit the roof when i inquired about further use of the bed room for plants so i rapidly retreated to plan B . Greenhouse cold frame. Have exclusive use of bedroom propagator though(LoL) seeds only. I feel a lot better knowing i was,not only one to loose plants but i say that with feeling as we all try our best. Tiny good boy today i tried to push him for you elizabeth but he wouldnt go through the cage bars (LoL). Still walks backwards out of his cage. Will i hope pot my fuchsias tomorrow elizabeth and treat them like gold for next year. must really exchange results on their conditon i aggree. Take care elizabeth enjoy. Tony
16 Jun, 2011
Oops! I think we'll just back away from the 'overwintering on the bedroom windowsill' senario then, Tony, it'll be no use anyway, if your good lady hits the roof too hard, it might come clean off! Then you'd all freeze!! Back to plan B then as you say, Lol! I was just laughing at the idea of you pushing Tiny through the bars of his cage, dear dear! It would be like one of those gadgets that slices tomatoes up, like a load of cheese wires! Sliced Tiny! Ho! Can you imagine...yuck! Poor Tiny, if he had ears they'd be absolutely burning by now!
Hope the fuschia potting goes well, Tony, you have a lovely day!
16 Jun, 2011
hi Elizabeth your mention of roofs Elizabeth takes me to my bird box order. I have been asked to make 9 more boxes for friends,based on my original design. Quite a surprise really i didnt think they had noticed them on their visit. Sliced Tiny! not without mustard (LoL). As usual he was the main company attraction today. Elizabeth he is a pure show off and he knows it. Fuchsias still unpotted , i had to get the wood for the boxes today. Dare i say i will pot them tomorrow , on second thoughts i shall try(LoL). Saturday is the exiting day for surprizes. Its usualey not wise to make plans for it. More rain today it did the lawn a great service as its getting greener. Hows your garden standing up to the recent weather elizabeth?. You are very quiet about it so i hope all is ok. Take care enjoy Tony
17 Jun, 2011
Hello Tony! Isn't that funny you saying I was quiet about the garden!! I was three quarters of the way through a blog...when the cable connecting the laptop to the modem, just fell out! Deleted the whole dang lot!! Nearly had to call on Tiny to give the laptop a load of old buck! I then put it down on the carpet to get a drink of orange and when I came back...Chloe, one of our cats had decided 'this is a nice warm place to curl up on!' and promptly fell asleep on top of it! I hadn't the heart to move her, it's been sooo cold today, she's been freezing, so I let her stay to get warmed up! Honestly, the things we do for our pets, lol! I'll have another go tomorrow and you can look out for it, I'll dedicate it to you, my good friend! So! Making bird boxes! Isn't that flattering! I said people would want them, they're really lovely! That's a great project for you, I know you'll have great fun constructing those, as long as your good wife hasn't lovingly 'tidied' in the shed again, and oh yes, hide your new wood from Tiny, I have heard whispers, he has drawn up plans for a crow's nest to put on top of his galleon!! Ah har!! Ye 'ave a marvellous weekend, me hearty, 'an I'll catch up with ye 'afore ye knows it! ;0)
(Flip me! All that 'Ah har-ing' makes your throat sore doesn't it! :0))
17 Jun, 2011
Hi Elizabeth sorry about your laptop problem . It may have been down to Tiny as i was sticking pins into an effigy of him last night(LoL). Looks like Chloe knows which keys to press. Of course i agree it would have been cruel to disturb her, whats a lady pussy to do when tired (LoL). Thank You for the dedication Elizabeth very nice gesture. My bird box project was an out of the blue request but yes i do appreciate the order. It will keep me busy between gardening but i enjoy woodwork. My good lady will not venture into my shed now as in the interests of security i have fitted 2 more door locks and an alarm system he,he,he, am i wicked or am i wicked?. Blooming heck that was good Elizabeth i thought jack sparrow was sending me an e mail. Am going to hunt now for a certain blog(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
18 Jun, 2011
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Ohh! Avast ye landlubber!! Lol! They're crackers! Not Tiny and Lucy...your baskets and pouches! It's just as well you've hung the pouches on the concrete posts, I don't think the fence itself could hold the weight of all those flowers! They're magnificent! Beautiful petunias, and the colours all go together so nicely. Oh dear, you've had rain for two days now, I hope it clears up for you soon, I'm used to it, the wellies are never too far away from the back door, but I'd like it to be nice for you, so yourself and your good lady could relax for a while in the garden! You were saying that your fuschia cuttings rotted during the winter, well, mine did too! It was just the one night of frost did it, so I'm not going to take a risk this year, I think I'm going to have to bring them indoors! I'm not taking as many cuttings this year either, I get too easily carried away! Maybe your spare room could be press-ganged into use as a giant propagater, no? well, maybe just the windowsill then! Lol! I don't think too many cuttings survived over that bad winter anyway, even the professionals lost huge amounts of stock, so don't feel too bad about it, we'll both have another go this year! It'll be fun!!
I think maybe it's time to let Tiny come down off the naughty perch, poor little squeak probably only wanted a wee crumb of biccie! Give him a push on his swing for me! Have fun potting up your lovely fuchsias!!
15 Jun, 2011