Big foot
By 230338
Whilst planning my new seed order i noticed darkness falling. I thought Geraniums yes, Petunias yes, Cineraria yes that’s OK. But i could,not make my mind up about Tomatoes. Tiny the budgie landed on my paper to insist on my giving him a kiss but i ignored the request as recently i yawned and nearly ate him in the slip stream. At this point i got it right ! Alicante !next year again i shall try Alicante . This year they are coming on fine in my greenhouse. At this stage i found Tiny taking an interest in my piece of apple, I once again resisted his request but the little devil had planned for this . He took off from my finger went around my back and successfully attacked the apple from my left. What an absolute rotter. It was now quite dark outside so i took my torch and went to see if my greenhouse and shed were safe. This was not a wise move as i noticed upon the approach to my shed the indication of my second photograph very frightening can you identify. Take care enjoy Tony
18 Jun, 2011
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Och sorry Tony!, been caught up watching the US Open Golf Championship! One of the player's is Rory McIlroy, and he's from Holywood, near Belfast. My sister's hubby knows him, and he's doing really's been on for ages...coming onto the last hole!! Very exciting!
Tony, if I was you I would go and check the instructions on your box of weedkiller, I think it's burnt two big feety shaped marks on your lovely lawn! I do hope Tiny hasn't been banished to the naughty perch again, for that unprovoked attack on your apple! Next time you'll just have to share! I'm growing Gardeners delight too, Mummy loved them and funnily enough, Alicante as well! I roared at that slipstream comment! I think we share the same bizarre sense of humour, so funny! I'll be blogging tomorrow, Tony, so look out for it later! Night, night!
18 Jun, 2011
hi lincslass Never grown Gardeners delight or Roma plum. Very interesting i will put both on my investigation list. My good lady and i love the tiny tomatoes for their sweetness but i have never tried to grow them. Are they needing any special treatment?. I once tried peppers but that was really a disaster. Inside the leaves a mold appeared and i had to throw the plant away. Roma plum is absolutely unknown to me though. Take care enjoy Tony
19 Jun, 2011
hi Elizabeth You could be right about the weed and feed as i have just noticed it refers to a foot note (LoL). Tiny always triumphs Elizabeth in fact we get visitors just to see him (LoL). My good Lady and i are mere pawns in his world of intrigue. Did you know a goy member named Sixpence?. She had to leave recentley from GOY but she was a nice person. Hope she decides to come back. Fuchsia cuttings now repotted , they will be put outside maybe tomorrow. Start my bird boxes tomorrow also. Busy week hope the weather holds good. Will keep an eye out for your blog Elizabeth but in between times take care and enjoy. Tony
19 Jun, 2011
Hello! Blogs up, Tony! I noticed Sixpence had disappeared, it would be over two weeks ago, is she ok? She's not ill is she? Did somebody say something horrible to her?
Good you got your fuschias repotted, bring them in at night Tony, it's still a bit cold here, they might need a week hardening off. You can start the new week off with a new project, I think you're secretly going to enjoy it immensely! Take care now, and don't be sawing your finger off!
19 Jun, 2011
Wonderful blog elizabeth thankyou from myself and Tiny. Think Sixpences provider contract ended but she did say she would be back. New project up and running now. Flat out i should be completing the 9th box thurs next week i have great faith in miracles (LoL). Goy is the only site Elizabeth i can honestly say where i have never encountered any anti social behavior. Lot of funny people out there though. Well me hearty i be having me double strength orange juice now to celebrate me new founded family ye knows Tiny for sure. Your a much better jack sparrow than i Elizabeth. Take care enjoy Tony PS Ecky thump.
20 Jun, 2011
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Bless him, thats one determined little budgie, I like Alicante and grow them every year, also Gardners Delight and Roma Plum, can`t beat the taste of a fresh cherry tom straight off the plant.. Careful out there in the dark Tony, Yeti is taking a walk, lol...
18 Jun, 2011