By 230338
To day i decided to re- plant my vinca (perry winkle). It wasn’t looking to great where it was. Keeping my fingers crossed i dug a hole hoping this spot would prove more beneficial to it. Job done i looked at the plant and uttered " good luck vinca grow as big as you wish now" then a little voice in my head replied" my blinking backs done for". So i sat on the patio chair and rested. Quite pleasent really weather was great. Lawn coming on fine very green no dandelions. Fuchsia cuttings coming on great also and my rose cuttings seem to be prospering at this stage. Elizabeth bless her advized me on Rose cutting process and it was sound advice. That was 11 am next i remember was a voice saying" am i really talking to the wall"it was my good lady and it was 1pm. As i looked at this stunning lady i thought",i wonder if its Roast potatoes and lamb or maybe a ham salad alas this was not to be as i had promised to drive my good lady to the store and forgot. Hope you enjoy Take care Tony
2 Sep, 2011
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Hope it enjoys being in its new place.
3 Sep, 2011
I think, Tony, you should be cutting your grass instead of nodding off in your chair! Love the pictures and is that my house I can see in the background.
3 Sep, 2011
Bloomingheck Avast their sticky. You realize going AWOL has consequences i hope. The plank has been run out and the crew are warming up for you to walk it (LoL). First thing is ID, are you Sticky the 6Th form mystery pupil?. Whoops wrong answer get on the plank. Take care, have done the shopping , lamb dinner tomorrow if i am good. Enjoy Tony
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Clarice I originaley put the Vinca in a window box and had 3 flowers from it the first season. The root system became restricted after that and i got no flowers at all. Its new poss is in unrestricted soil so i hope it does well. Nice little blue flower though. Thankyou for comment. Take care Tony
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Rose I fell asleep Rose because my mind achieved its normal output which most of the time is blank. It was prompted by by back muscles saying "OUCH " quite distinctly. Elizabeth said you lived round the corner so i looked over the fence. M lady was,nt in residence at the time. Ecky thump i bet your gas bill is enormous Rose. I gave the butler a tip , hope you dont mind Rose but it did,nt get past the finish line. Heavens , is your washing line at the rear Rose (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
3 Sep, 2011
Aye aye cap'n Tony it's sticky calling from the very end of a very wobbly plank!
3 Sep, 2011
I haven't had lamb for years... Anyhoo...Rose! Have you forgotten that Tony is lawnmowerless?! Please don't tell him to cut it, he have us all out on the lawn chewing the cud, and I haven't finished my last bit of cud!! Bleuck! Sticki! We were going to send the Sherpas out to look for you! And then we remembered that Sherpas generally go up mountains, and they'd be useless in this situation, so I closed my eyes and wished...and here you are!! Is the plank still warm? Tony made us all sit on it until you returned, so it would be nice and warm under your tootsies! (I'm sending you some of Rose's jam to stick you to the plank so you won't fall in...)
Rose, can you imagine how many bottles of that pink stuff you clean windows with, you would go through, to get all those windows clean, and by the time you'd finished, you'd have to start all over again! Hope you didn't have any washing out, Rose! lol!;0)
Hope your back has recovered Tony, you probably need a good stretch to straighten that kink out! Your vinca will do much better in the ground. But keep an eye on it though, 'cause afore ye know it, it'll be under yon shed floor looking for Capt'n Jack Sparrow's missing gold bullion! Aharr! Next thing you'll be reading in the paper about 'The Great Trill Robbery!' 'Cause if vinca can't find gold, it'll halfinch whatever it can find, your tools could be next, or dread and horror!...the biccy tin!! Gulp!
I hope you have a lovely lamb dinner today Tony pet, you and your good lady deserve it! Yum!
3 Sep, 2011
Well Elizabeth, If Tony hasn't got a lawnmower, thenI have a good pair of scissors you could borrow Tony or even better ,why not get Turbo to eat ( i mean cut) it for you. Now we know where Stickie has been, she's been washing all my windows, she started last week and finished today.High tea at the mansion anyone, scones and JAM!
4 Sep, 2011
there was jam all over the windows i have only done one level!! i shall be here for weeks!!
4 Sep, 2011
Oh well Stickie you better have some of my plum cake to keep you going.
4 Sep, 2011
i will be so heavy soon ~ after your chocolate lollies [different blog] the ladder will break ~ down will come sticki lollies and all!!!
4 Sep, 2011
But you won't fall Stickie , your stuck to the ladders with my jam !
4 Sep, 2011
Chocolate lollies?! That sounds good! I couldn't eat them but I know someone who would! Sticki? Are you not still stuck to a plank by Rose's jam? Are we having cream teas, Rose? Are we? Can we? Should we! Did we?...;0)
Now we've lost Tony!! I can't keep everyone together at all...it's like herding cats!! Lol!
4 Sep, 2011
I'm back again Elizabeth and am sure the rest of them will follow!Cream teas it is then.More for us if they don't turn up!
5 Sep, 2011
help help its raining hard and the jam is dissolving.
5 Sep, 2011
No Stickie I think you'll find my jam will never dissolve!
5 Sep, 2011
Elizabeth, I wish you'd keep still, you're making me dizzy. I left you a little message on the "polly" page, and Tony is still nowhere to be seen.You don't think he went down with the ship do you, it was loaded with cratefuls of my jam ! On the other hand , he could still be cutting the grass with the scissors I lent him,perhaps his good lady has put a night light up for him and he's not allowed in for tea until its done.
5 Sep, 2011
Hi Rose you were quite correct to state your jam does not dissolve i am so convinced of this being the truth i have under sealed our car with it and sent a pot of it to The sherman tank works as armour plating paint. Take care enjoy Tony
5 Sep, 2011
I hope I'm going to get a share of the profit Tony.
6 Sep, 2011
My Mum had a new porch built but she is very disappointed to find that in heavy rain it leaks ~ do you think your jam could fix it Rose?
and if that jam is really that good ~ you could maybe make new wellingtons out of it then tony will never go short of a wellie again?
6 Sep, 2011
hi Rose they left your share of the profits in the tank Rose and could,nt get to it for solidified strawberry. Not to worry i will share my part with you. Please excuse i,m unable to move what a lot of rotters they have painted me as well. Take care Tony
6 Sep, 2011
oh no tony is jammed into the tank.
6 Sep, 2011
Hi sticky Have you seen my wellingtons then?. Your a tricky sticky by all accounts. Rose makes wonderful soup also. I have the burns on my tongue to proove it. Take care enjoy Tony
6 Sep, 2011
i saw some wellie jelly jam in a shop!!
i love soup but not wellie soup; nor tongue soup.
6 Sep, 2011
Sticky Please dont call for assistance a bowl of roses soup has just melted the jam cocoon i am in and i fear for all approaching aid workers. The two chaps in white coats holding a vest however can "COME ON DOWN". Take care Tony
6 Sep, 2011
Sticky its not nice to resist Roses soup , infact its deadley if eaten with chop sticks. Take care Tony
6 Sep, 2011
or with a sieve no doubt!!
6 Sep, 2011
You don't need "no nails" Stickie ,only my jam!
7 Sep, 2011
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I hope the new planting or replanting does well Tony, what a disappointment having to go shopping instead of roast potatoes and lamb!!
3 Sep, 2011