Pot holes
By 230338
Please excuse the title but in a nut shell thats the content of this blog. I have never seen a hanging basket like this before but i may be wrong in assuming it is new to gardening. Above the holes is a removable panel of guess what! yes more holes. The effect when planted up is very attractive and i was very amazed at the fact the compost stays in the pot. I have purchased two and am looking forward to next years attraction from them both. I have to admit that i am not a winter gardener although many of my freinds are but this year myself and a very good freind(Elizabeth) are going to try our hand at Acer (Japanese Maple) cultivation from seed. Its a project i failed to see mature some years ago but due to GOY members advice i think i know more now to do what i feel i failed on then. Thankyou and please keep your fingers crossed for Elisabeth and i on this project. Take care enjoy Tony
26 Sep, 2011
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Hi Tony! Ummm, I think you have one of those hanging baskets that have removable sections, to put the plant through from the outside of the basket, when you're planting it up. I think the lattice bit pops out, then you put your plant in, and then you pop the lattice bit back in so it holds the plant in place, a wee bit like a guillotine without the blade, (or the old cronies knitting around you shouting 'Off with his head!!' (French Revolution?!) does that 'holey' bit pop out?
I wish us good luck with our Acers Tony!! Have your seeds arrived yet?
26 Sep, 2011
thats a very clever pot!! trust libet to know how to make it work ~ and there was i expecting to see holes in the road!!!
how did you manage to get onto guillotines libet??
26 Sep, 2011
Well, when you put the plant into the pot, it's got it's wee head sticking out, so it reminded me of the way a guillotine works when the blade comes down, when you put the holey bit back in it looked a bit like a guillotine coming to cut the head off the plant...I need to get out more...had awful migraine today, I think my brain's all muxxed ip! Lol! ;0)
26 Sep, 2011
hope your migraine is better now?
i know exactly what you mean but im not sure i would have thought of a guillotine first??
could be like a cat flap too ~ move the shutter and pop in cat or plant???
26 Sep, 2011
I've seem them b4 on GOY but I've never seen them in person. I think they are a clever design too. Best of luck with your growing.
26 Sep, 2011
Thanks Stick! Much better! It had been raging since 4:00 this morning, strangely enough, I had an appointment with my GP today, to see about them, waited 12 days for an appointment! Anyway, saw him, cried with the pain, then threw up on him...oops. So he gave me a drug that he says is a preventer, I have them already, they don't work as well as a bucket load of imigrain~does work, sometimes!...Keith had driven me to see the doc and then I had to wait for him to go to a meeting. Two and one half hours later, I was tearing up the upholstery in pain, and we didn't get home until 7:30...oh dear, but! much better now! Woo hoo!
Cat flap would work too, Stick, you could grow a cat-tus!!
26 Sep, 2011
you must be worn out and so frustrated with all that pain ~ why cant they sort them out more than they do? lots of people get them, they should do more research.
i could try pussy willow??
i dont like cattus unless they are the non-prickly sort?? perhaps the guillotine cuts off the prickles ~ now that would be good!!!
26 Sep, 2011
That's very perceptive Sticki! The amount of time wasted lying in the worst pain in the dark, when it's a lovely day outside and I can't go out, is soooo frustrating, never mind the work I can't help Keith with, he has to do it all himself, so that's not fair either! Oh well!
Pussy willow! See? Brilliant! That would be good if it cut the prickles off the cactus, Hywel could suggest a prickle-free one I'm sure! Anyway, I'm off to beddy-byes too! Nighty night! Stick, have a good day at work!x
26 Sep, 2011
Day off tomorrow! Hope you have a better day.
26 Sep, 2011
So sorry to hear you've not been well Libet :(
27 Sep, 2011
Thanks Grannyb, err, sorry! Bilbo!! lol! You described it much better than me, I think I was coming down off prescription drugs!! They look good don't they?
27 Sep, 2011
Havent seen these pots before, will look out for them. sorry about you migraine Libet hope u have a better day, my head gets muxxied ip all the time, i dont need a headache for that it does it on its own.
27 Sep, 2011
Have to admit i dont like gardening in winter,dont like the cold.
27 Sep, 2011
I have a few of these pots which I got at a garden show 2years ago.I thought they looked great BUT I don,t like them at all as when you water them most of it pours back out through all the holes. because of this the following year I lined them with polythene but still found them less than satisfactory !!! maybe it was just me so good luck hope you have more success than me
27 Sep, 2011
WoW!! blooming shuttle cocks did,nt expect that responce. Thankyou Helen 60 gard, also thankyou Elizabeth for french revolution page 7 on how to chop a head off with my plant pot. Stickie i think your getting a head of yourself but you are welcome to put your head in my pot. Chop Chop and thankyou all for comments i cannot type for laughing. In a heap Tony PS have got my seed,s Elizabeth.
27 Sep, 2011
Potted sticki!!! thanks tony!!!
27 Sep, 2011
I've only ever had potted meat in my sandwiches, can't get any love going for potted Sticki!
Recipe: First, peel one Sticki, rinse under clean running water, yuck! I'm going to make myself ill....ewww!
Poor Sticki! I'll come to the rescue!
27 Sep, 2011
oh no!!!
libet has made herself ill and tony has potted sticki
where will this all end
'it'll be tears before bedtime!'
Rose you'd better come back quick!!!
27 Sep, 2011
Blinking cannibals !ugh! quite grotesque, has no one added the dumplings?. Or budgie even. Please come back Rose. I only mentioned a pot with holes. How it got to this i really don,t know. take care Tony
28 Sep, 2011
tell you what ~ the resulting mix would be great for filling pot holes ~ or are we back to rose's jam??
28 Sep, 2011
Please forgive her Rose ,Rose,Rose,Rose,Rose, ecky thump i,m stuck. Enjoy Tony
28 Sep, 2011
sticki is stuck in a pot
tony is stuck in the ecky thump
libet and rose have abandoned the cause???
28 Sep, 2011
I haven't abandoned you!! I'm here! Good grief, it's like herding cats trying to get us lot rounded up! What cause is it this hour, Stick, old bean? And have you not managed to get out of that pot yet! By the way, are you stuck looking into the pot or out?
Tony, I dread to ask but I can't not...how did you get stuck in ecky thump? Did it catch you unawares? It can be sneaky that way!
28 Sep, 2011
Bit of a problem Libet - I can't see out! So now I don't know if I am looking in or out.
There again if only I was a stick bean I could get out with no problem at all.
28 Sep, 2011
Hi Elizabeth sorry princess its now eleven and i am going to heaven. Steam coming off my key board and the handles fell off. Take care all enjoy,am so tttttttttttttttttired. Tony
28 Sep, 2011
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I have seen them online somewhere but don`t know anyone who has used them so don`t know how effective they are, I`ll await the results of yours with interest...
26 Sep, 2011