Great day
By 230338
Left Tiny reading my blinking paper and started cutting his playstation oak beading to enhance the edges of his new plastic flooring. Must be smart my good lady prompted, neat fitting mitred corners or he won,t like it. Tiny is a smart budgie he plays on my good lady to acheive goodies from me. I complie so that my goodies dont come to an end(LoL). New set up now though as his play station is just outside his cage and not on the lounge carpet. On completion Tiny jumped on the top perch and chucked his swing onto the base exhuberating great distaste at my forgetting to replace his bell (I think). Yep i,m a naughty daddy and i am not going to dispute my good ladies comment. Valerie being kind and humble thinks he is a Angel where as i sometimes feel like making him one(LoL). Anyway i love him really and will download Tinys modified playstation photo as soon as possibble. Take care enjoy Tony.
26 Sep, 2011
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Yes Sticki!! Made me chortle too! Loved the run of 'Tiny gets goodies, so I make sure he's happy, so Val's happy, so I get goodies too!' I think what can be concluded is that you have a very happy household, Tony! Lol!
Tiny's well on his way to becoming an angel anyway, Tony, well, he's got the wings for it as least! If I come back, I want to come back as either Tiny, or Sticki's pampered kitty!! And I promise I won't drink out of the tap!! ;0)
26 Sep, 2011
no libet you wouldnt need to ~ i would make you a cup of tea in my best cup!!
i always think of tony as happy and content ~ a very good thing to be. do you think tony might be made a saint for making everyone so happy ~ St Tony of Budgieland??
26 Sep, 2011
hi stickie Tiny in return often shows his love for me but it is,nt angel like really ,after all said and done eating my ear surely cannot be construed as love of an angel(LoL). Take care Tony
26 Sep, 2011
That bird rules the roost in your house Tony, lol..Mind you I swear our pets come first in mine sometimes, especially at their mealtimes....
26 Sep, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Yes its a happy house and Tiny is half way to becoming an Angel with his wings but i really do think i can get him his Halo very promptley. Take care enjoy Tony
26 Sep, 2011
i think you have your halo tony even if you dont have wings. wish i had your quick brain.
26 Sep, 2011
Ohhh! Lovely Sticki! May I have two sugars? And all praise to the great St Tony, protector of all things Budgie!Lol!
Tony, I know! Brush his beak with Colgate toothpaste, (beakpaste?) and then he will have his very own little 'ring of confidence'! Then we can keep him for another little while, before he gets his proper halo!
26 Sep, 2011
of course Libet!
and you have just as quick a wit or brain ~ definitely NOT bird brains you two!!!
26 Sep, 2011
Sticki pet, you weren't standing at the back of the queue when the witty repartee was being handed out, I think you got someone else's share as well as your own! You're no twitter...bird brain...wit...geddit? tehee!
26 Sep, 2011
just not as near the front as you!!! or tony.
26 Sep, 2011
Stop it Stick! And I completely forgot my manners, thank you so much for that lovely complement! And right back at you!x
26 Sep, 2011
where is tony??
busy making haloes??
26 Sep, 2011
I think he's gone up the wooden hill to bedfordshire, Sticki! Wonder if he's making his haloes out of coat hangers!
26 Sep, 2011
why coat hangers?? they would be triangular!!!
i came from bedfordshire!!
he could make one out of a polo mint for tiny but for myself i would prefer one made out of a doughnut!!!
26 Sep, 2011
I was thinking of the Blue Peter show at 'C' word, when they used to make the advent crown out of coat hangers, the wire ones, all the angels at primary school used to have their haloes made out of coat hangers!
I think I would like my halo made out of a toasted ham and jarlsberg cheese bagel, thank you!
I didn't know you came from Bedfordshire, Sticki, it sounds very posh! Hope you enjoyed your day off! And haven't been on here all day?! Admit it!
I think Rose is back from hols today, I expect we'll see her soon!
27 Sep, 2011
hi, made me laugh as well, i also come from Bedfordshire, 'sticki, Leighton Buzzard, oh happy days. Love the banter Sticki and Libet. Great little bird Tony, like his cage.
27 Sep, 2011
hey cazcat!!! i went to school there!!!
wondered where rose was.
yes they did used to make all sorts with coat hangers, stickyback plastic and toilet rolls ~ nowadays you can buy the wings in tesco!!!
27 Sep, 2011
That has to be the most luxurious birdcage ever. What a lucky little birdie.
27 Sep, 2011
Stickie thankyou for the comment on my brain . I know i have a brain as i keep changing my mind. As yet i am still looking for a complete replacement. Take care enjoy Tony
27 Sep, 2011
when you find where they are available ~ would you let me know??
are they on sale or return basis ~ in case i change my mind?
and do they come with a guarantee ~ in case i lose it???
27 Sep, 2011
yes stickie i got a ten minuet guarantee with the one i had but it got lost in transit. Take care tony
27 Sep, 2011
i have lost it altogether now ~ tony you should be on the stage.
27 Sep, 2011
Blooming stretched out on greenhouse stage probabley(LOL). Got to retire now take care enjoy Tony
27 Sep, 2011
you are too young to retire!!
where is young libet and young rose??
27 Sep, 2011
I'm here! And I'm on 'Pleasant day' too! Just have to check on 'Potholes' and that'll be the trilogy complete!! And young Rose is back, but I haven't seen her on the blogs!!
28 Sep, 2011
Nor me!
28 Sep, 2011
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he must be the most spoiled budgie ever!! he has a wonderful life with you tony but i had to laugh at the comment of making him an angel!!!
26 Sep, 2011