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Singing in the Rain


By 230338


Brolly opened i ventured to my shed and its luxurious contents (One Radio,One cumfy chair,Large workbench and my resting tools). Looking through the window i could not see any Ducks swimming by but perhaps that was due to the pirate ship at full sail making its way to our kitchen. If it keeps raining that could change to the Queen Elizabeth promptly. My good lady let me get to the shed and then turned all electric to it off. Blooming cheek no power to my drill,s at all. Decided to hold tight and see if human life still existed. Jolly hockey sticks(i thought) as a voice uttered( but not quietly) get the blinking door open here,s your tray(or words to that effect). I obeyed very rapidley and took the tray to my work bench. It was now i could get some work done. Yes listening to my portable and eating my home baked ham and pickle muffins in my nice dry palace was very exhausting(LoL). Sorry nice people but what could one do when the weather was so bad. Enjoy ,take care,be happy Tony

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I wish I could have such a wonderful trayful of food brought to me in a palace with liners and pirate ships sailing by! Did you see that little pig flying over the clouds too?

11 Oct, 2011


ok stickie maybe not a pirate ship then but the little piggy maybe . Take care tony

11 Oct, 2011


I'm very pleased to see your roses now hanging in the national gallery! Congratulations!

11 Oct, 2011


Stickie there goes that pig(LoL) tony

11 Oct, 2011


oink oink!!!

12 Oct, 2011


Oh, that sounds idyllic, Tony! I was in the greenhouse today, pricking out some wee seedlings, and I like to sit down to do it, but I like to be comfy too, so, I have a cushion on the chair, which unbeknownst to me had sucked up, oh, it must have been the equivalent of about 2 pints of water from a drip in the joint of the roof of the flipping greenhouse! So...after changing my soaking clothes, I went back down for another try! This time, I tipped up 7 pots of pricked out seedlings on to the floor! It wasn't my day, confined to bed all morning by Keith, to see if I can shake off this old cough, and now the greenhouse conspiring against me! So I repotted the seedlings, and just gave the day up as a bad job! I wonder, Tony, did you happen to see if there was a small yellow puffball budgie steering that pirate ship? Only I hear he has 'kitnapped' our two kitty's and is holding them in the crows nest, and as I know they're not partial to Trill, they'll be getting hungry, so how much of a ransom do you think I would need to pay Tiny to get them back?
P.S. I hope the ham you had in your sandwich, wasn't made from the flying pig!!

12 Oct, 2011


was it bacon or ham ~ can you hear sizzling anyone??

libet i think you should go on a cruise for a rest ~ not go on a pirate ship.

12 Oct, 2011


Here I go again , jumping pages, or should I say ship.I haven't been gone long and look what happens.I'm still on the other page making everything wet as Tony's given me notice and I'm sooooo upset! Your good lady did not sound happy Tony, I think you should help her with the ironing! I don't think it was raining in your greenhouse Elizabeth , it was my tears!I'm just like Alice in Wonderland when she cries!

12 Oct, 2011


Blooming heck a Sticky Piggy who,s telling porky,s then ? Tony

12 Oct, 2011


Elizabeth if you jump the trapdoor,dodge the arrows,and mind the swinging sledge hammer ,your welcome to dry off in my shed. i have a heating system to be proud of on my workbench. This little yellow bird runs around so fast (somtimes i drop my whip)he creates a heat source of great dimentions. When the feathers drop onto one,s head they are so cumfy and warm. Having solved my heating probs i hope your cold goes quickley Elizabeth. The kittys are safe , its the jam on the pole (sorry mast) that prevents any one getting to the crows nest ,on the other hand some of them crows are blooming big. Sorry princess Tiny is beyond bribes he is an absolute rotter. Take care hope tomorrow gives you some pleasent experiances Tony

12 Oct, 2011


Rose I am so sorry due to conditions beyond my control that you were sacked. i wanted to reimburse you for your services but the lock on the chest was stuck and no amount of TNT could free it. We(Elizabeth,Stickie and i )chucked no amount of Dumplings at the lid to no avail. Conclusion Rose is your FIRED (LoL). Your on our ironing list though Rose surely that counts for somthing?. Take care enjoy Tony

12 Oct, 2011


Now, now, Tony! don't be mean to Rose!!

12 Oct, 2011


Rose, don't listen to Tony, he's just being rascally! It's that bloomin' gnome again...he's such a bad influence! I say make him walk the plank! Sticki?, have you put the right arrows on this time? By the way have you ever been on a cruise? What about you Rose...oh! Eekk! Something crawling on my ear!! What is it!! Arghh!! Phew! It's ok, just a teeny tiny spider! Oh dear, flip, I thought it was something horrible!!! Has anybody been on a cruise?

13 Oct, 2011


no i havent, sorry libet, if i went on a real cruise they would most certainly make me walk the plank ~ i cant keep still and i dont dress up ~ i think you have to behave properly on a cruise.

13 Oct, 2011


Sorry Rose i apologise for my rascally behaviour. i now have the key to the money chest and shall reimberse you handsomley. WHOOPS sorry Rose Tiny has just chucked the chest down to Davey jones. Well i,ll be blowed my long lost welli bob has come to the surface. Rose will you accept Iranion gas tokens instead?. They go like a bomb in Teheran. Well its time i checked my Acers . Really Rose we think the world of you but your jobs gone . Take care Tony

13 Oct, 2011


Stickie walking the plank is,nt really bad just follow the arrows. Tony

13 Oct, 2011


thats alright while the arrows keep going its when they stop im a bit lost.

13 Oct, 2011


Oh I'm sure that tony is being mean to me because I said he should do the ironing and now you want me to do it! I hate ironing. No Elizabeth I haven't been on a cruise and even if we could afford it ,I would never be able to sleep in a boat, (sorry , cruise ship)The thought of all that water and the word "Titanic" comes to mind.

13 Oct, 2011


I wouldnt make you do any ironing rose ~ i hate it myself. you can be in the kitchen instead of or as well as me if that makes you happy.

13 Oct, 2011


Elizabeth does that spider have an F on its back ?. Its just that Val stood on Freddie our resident spider and i beleive he has relatives looking for him. Rose has gone quiet. Think i will sack Stickie and give Rose her job back , Stickie won,t behave her self. Tony

13 Oct, 2011


Ecky thump Stickie and Rose in the galley. Think i,ll give my notice in and become an engine driver. My good lady is ironing as i type. Tony

13 Oct, 2011


she will flatten you with that iron if you dont behave.

13 Oct, 2011


Ooh thanks Tony, i'm reinstated! thanks stickie, I'll make the fruit loaf.

13 Oct, 2011


You're very lucky Tony that you have all these lovely ladies doing things for you at all! You'll have a mutiny on your hands if you're not careful! Play nice!
The spider was only teeeny, Tony, I would have needed a huge magnifying glass to even see his little back! He made me jump though!
I don't think I could do a cruise either, I agree with Sticki, too much good behaviour and nothing to do but eat!
Don't mention the Titanic, Rose! The only country that can dedicate a whole area of the city to the tragedy of a ship that sank on it's maiden voyage!

13 Oct, 2011


ok Stickie i am going to change my ways. I will try to be good. Tony

13 Oct, 2011


Rose your more than welcome to work in the galley. Good heavens we all miss your a la jam sandwiches and your a treasure. Tony

13 Oct, 2011


Elizabeth Yes a wonderful crew who could ask for any thing more. Its nice to have a number one that has everyone at hart. Double Martinis all round to night and free chocolates for all. Rose just what would we do without you.?. Have to go now ladies i have the cooking ,washing and heaps of ironing to do after useing the vacum cleaner. Take care crew Tony Which knob do i use to switch the oven onn please ? (LoL).

13 Oct, 2011


you sure you know how to turn the vacuum on tony??

thanks for the martini and chocolate ~ just perfect!!

im going to copy an email that i got into here ~ some of you may have seen it before.

"It all began with an iPhone...
March was when our son celebrated his 17th birthday, and we got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn't?
I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad.
Our daughter's birthday was in August so we got her an iPod Touch.
My wife celebrated her birthday in September so I got her an iRon.
It was around then that the fight started...
What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean.
This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service.
I should be out of the hospital next week!!"

13 Oct, 2011


Hi stickie Very brave chap. I approach my good ladies birthday with Stones that glisten( normally in the form of a ring). We hardly ever argue ,when we did Val always won so whats the use?. But our motto is "The mind is like an umbrella it works better when its open". the only exception is my shed door(LoL) i keep that closed with a mind boggling number of locks. The final frontier really but alas even that has a weakness as i found out when Val switched the power off at the shed power supplie recentley. Never mind we must be brave and quoting the immortal poet Abdul "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit ,wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad" Ward 7 here i come. Take care enjoy Tony

13 Oct, 2011


i love that poem!!! its very wise.

i like the idea of those stones you give to your good ~ and lucky lady!!!

13 Oct, 2011


Very funny email Stick! I know a few chaps I could show that to!! Lol!
Hello! This is a nicer place to be now, we've all hugged and made up! Ohh Tony! How lucky a lady is your Lovely Val! I know, I know, us ladies are easily swayed with a bit of shallow!! Chortle! I don't care! That's so very thoughtful of you, I'm sure she loves the attention! Yes, you do have a lot of locks, Tony, but then you have a load of precious items in there, the biccy tin, your purveyor of 'Smooth Radio'...nope! I haven't got all ten questions yet either! Then there's all your tools, and not forgetting your comfy chair! I'm not saying a word about your heating system...just four letters...R.S.P.C.A...I will admit to spraying Keith with tea when I read it, but it was only a mouthful, and it hardly wet him at all, but his glasses were quite sticky for a while...
I loved your bit of poetry too, Tony, wherever did you dredge that up from! So funny...tears tripping me...oops!

13 Oct, 2011


By the way Elizabeth its 5 letters!lol. so its all hunky dory again now, I'm so pleased. I lovedyour little story Stickie.I think you should have words with my hubby Tony as the last surprise birthday present was my electric cooker.What happened to sparkley things. Mind you I do love my cooker , it was the one I always wanted. Looks like I missed out on the chocs and drinks.Story of my life.

14 Oct, 2011


Ladies my computer would not let me get on Goy tonight. Have you put a curse on my password? its taken 30 min to gain access. Elizabeth, Rose and Stickie if i have done you wrong i apologise profusely. Thankyou Rose for the sandwich the jam was deliciouse, and also Stickie thankyou for the stone compliment . My piggy bank is ready for christmas but its a necklace for my good lady and waite for it i am getting a pair of boots. Thats if i am a jolly good chap i beleive. Tiny is fattening up nice (LoL). Elizabeth my number one on the poop deck you are so correct about my internal shed decore. My biccy tin is empty however and will be re stocked tomorrow . I think i have done somthing right as my good lady !inteneds to get three of my fav bics at £I-89 A PACK. Acers look fine at present . So much condensation i cannot see soil surface. Had full check up today Doc pleased with results and stated Tony your ready to go(am worried he did,nt say where) Take care all Tony

14 Oct, 2011


you will be walking up mountains and running marathons then tony.

14 Oct, 2011


Stickie i have a motto regarding those who lead an active life up and down Mountains and marathon participants. " Those who rush through life finish first " i rest my case(LoL). Tony

14 Oct, 2011


Yes I understand Conficious - or is it Confusion?

14 Oct, 2011


Duh! Rose! I wrote that at about 3:30 this morning! I think I was a bit delirious with insomnia by then!

Gosh! Tony! A necklace! Do you pick Val's presents for her, or does she like to go with you? Sorry! That was a bit nosy! Please don't have Tiny for dinner, I couldn't bear it! There's not enough to share anyway...I mean, have you seen the size of those little drumsticks?.. oops! sorry, legs?
That's fantastic news from the Dr! Did Val promise you your fav biccies before or after you had been to the Dr's?! I think a good clean bill of health deserves a good biscuit!

I heard a lovely wee Doctor joke today, so I'll leave you all with this:
A man rushed into the doctor's office and shouted, "Doctor! Doctor! I think I'm shrinking!!"
The doctor calmly responded, "Now, settle down.
You'll just have to be a little patient."
Chortle! Have a lovely weekend everyone!xxx

14 Oct, 2011


Hi Elizabeth Had computor prob last night so am on here earley and think i have fixed it. Val and i pick her pressys together but somtimes my hand gets trapped in my pocket and i cannot always find my cheque book . But what the heck i have everything any way. Liked Your Doc story, my doctor thought i was having trouble passing water last year but i told him straight i usualey find a bridge. Blinkin heck Elizabeth Tiny was,nt at all impressed when i relayed your description of his legs. Drumstics (LoL)i loved telling him though. Acers still appear moist in bag so its fingers crossed again. Hope your Acers are same. Rose has forgiven me for demoting her and Stickie is on paid leave and i have put a biccy to one side for you Elizabeth. Biccy sell by date is 15/ 10/ 11. Is that soon ? (LoL). Take care number one keep warm and enjoy Tony

15 Oct, 2011


To Jack sparrows wonderful crew i will be off line tonight its strictley come dancing night. Drop the Anchor set the sail secure the plank we are ashore me hartys. Kittys in the Crows nest come on down two saucers of fresh milk on deck. Tiny (Drumstick legs) get in the pot (LoL). Take care enjoy ,be happy and in good health all. Tony

15 Oct, 2011


Sorry Elizabeth, but you really should go to bed at night, you will be meeting yourself coming back Lol.I loved your docters joke.Tony, I hope you're not fattening Tiny up for Christmas!I didn't know you were on PAID leave Stickie, that's not fair Tony.At least my jam making should be worth something,A little, little something!

15 Oct, 2011


Rose you have the key to my biccy tin whatmore can i offer our cook?(LOL). Elizabeth wants Tinys drumsticks for Xmas , do you have a thimble to cook them in ?. Yes Rose your jam making is worth somthing but the world isn't quite ready for Armageddon just yet.(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony

16 Oct, 2011


Thanks for that Tony, I just love your sense of humour!

17 Oct, 2011


Rose thats worth a jam sandwich for sure Take care enjoy Tony

17 Oct, 2011

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