Rhubarb by gum
By 230338
Yes my two bleeding hearts broke the soil surface with great gusto. 3 inches tall at present but stunning when flowered. We also have what we term surprise plants on both lawn borders. These are bulbs my good lady and i planted last year but forgot where we had planted them but get very surprised when they pop up all over the place(LoL). On top of that we have made freinds with a pair of tubby Robins that frequentley invade one of our feeders. Our sparrow army does the same but they just hit and vanish quickley. Blue tits appear very shy but very alert. All my nest boxes are ready for occupation but alas we have a dailey visit from a little kitten that may effect possible bird breeding. We have named the kitten “tucker” its a term he applies to every thing we put out for him. Little fellow always out and about and it can be very cold. Well its check your Wellingtons for spring time ,so its goodnight from me. Take care nice people Tony and Tiny
27 Feb, 2013
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hi paulthegard Very sunney here today but also cold as you said. If it gets a bit warmer i may start sorting our window boxes out. Lots to do but i like that anyway. Take care Tony
28 Feb, 2013
Hello! I'm back! I've been off here for a while , but have still occasionally been looking in and I see you were off as well, Tony. I'll send you a p.m. Nice to see the birds feeding and getting ready for breeding, but why do you feed this cat if its after the birds! Is it a stray?
I've noticed in our garden that everything is slow to emerge. Last year we were having a mini heat wave!!!
4 Mar, 2013
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It's certainly cold here tonight Tony.just popped out...bbrrrrr!!
It's great when shoots start to push their way up isn't it...although, I have to say it doesn't feel very springlike yet!!!!
27 Feb, 2013