Nice day
By 230338
Blimey what a scorcher!. All plants taking off at such a rapid pace. This i feel is what gardening means. Plants showing stunning colour , and everything in the garden either showing a healthy green foliage or pleasent coloured flowers. I did a jig (hose in right hand)down to the green house in a very happy mood . Our Tiny (Budgie) could be heared whistling through the lounge window, the birds were singing also. As i entered the Greenhouse the heat took my breath away it was 98F and low and behold my toms and Coleus were loving it. Fed my strawberrys watered my Toms had a natter to my Coleus then made an express exit just in case i melted. Bypassed my little shed on the way back to the lounge and thought not today me harty its a Wall,s choc ice and under the brolley kind of day. No i could,nt let Tiny have a peice of my choc ice but i did let him see me eating it He He He!. After all i gave him some of my toast after breakfast. Take care all enjoy. Tony.
7 Jun, 2013
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Its been very nice here as well Tony although we had a chilly wind to go with it so quite cool out of the sun, have to keep up with watering don't we, mines always done whilst accompanied closely by the dogs, the cats don't come close by as all have been driven off at sometime by a quick squirt if they are caught in places they're not allowed to be, lol....
8 Jun, 2013
Hi Tony ...
Good to know that Tiny is pecking at his fair share of toast ;o)
Your garden is looking lovely ..
8 Jun, 2013
Do the wild birds answer Tiny's whistling through the lounge window ?
9 Jun, 2013
hi Paultheguard Your right but i am looking for something to stop him talking for a little time. Take care enjoy Tony
9 Jun, 2013
Hi Lincslass Yes its a major project to water all the plants,but is,nt it nice when the plants take on that healthy green foliage as a thankyou?. Love doing it for them but am shattered on completion. Nice to have the dogs with you Lincslass your a lucky gardener. Take care Tony
9 Jun, 2013
Hi Terra Thankyou for nice comment. Tiny doing fine. He is devouring his new playstation rather quickley but will get pic on Goy asap before it vanishes. Please give our best to crocus and doggies. Take care Tony
9 Jun, 2013
Hi Dianebulley I think the wild birds say "come on out to play"to Tiny,s talking but thats a ploy to eat him i think. On the other hand he (Tiny) could be thinking same of them. The latter is not unusual as tiny can eat his way through his playstation rapidley. Nope my moneys on Tiny to win he,s a cannibal for sure (LoL). Take care Tony
9 Jun, 2013
I found a bag of small Bark Chippings worth the cost Tony. Give the plants a good drink, then mulch with the chippings. Use gloves, a bit messy.
10 Jun, 2013
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Smashing, Tony.The nice weather and growing plants makes you feel like dancing(with the hosepipe or without)
Poor Tiny, the ice cream would've cooled him down!! Ha ha
Happy growing
7 Jun, 2013