By 230338
Sad news folks, Tiny (our budgie) a fighter to the end, passed away at 2.25 today after 3 to 4 days illness. My little sidekick who always got the better of me is no longer around to read my morning paper or steal my toast. Put him safely in a little box with his plastic birdie (the one he always attacked but loved) and on his small cross i have hung his favorite Bell(the one he used as a morse code on his cage front to infuriate me). Guess its going to be very quiet of a morning now. Take care all Just Tony
7 Jul, 2013
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So sad when a much loved pet dies...bet he had a happy life though.
His cage looks lovely and very entertaining for him.
8 Jul, 2013
Sending a private message to you Tony ..
RIP a very very special little budgie ....
8 Jul, 2013
Oh my dear,so very sorry
He was such a happy little chap
Goy will be a quieter place without him too
R I P Tiny and thankyou for all the fun and smiles xxx
8 Jul, 2013
Thank you too Tony. There will be another little Budgie
out there looking for a good home, and personal chef.
8 Jul, 2013
So sorry to hear your sad news. R.I.P. Tiny.
8 Jul, 2013
Oh dear that is sad ...
8 Jul, 2013
Thank you to Terra, Kidsgran , lijemc ,Dianebulley, Pamg,Andrea, Drc726, all very nice members and your messages will always be with me in our loss. Please take care will be back on goy soon. Tony
8 Jul, 2013
Sorry Tony I' ve been away and only just found out about Tiny, he was a well loved little chap and I know how much both you and your wife are going to miss him, I liked to hear of his antics and will miss hearingabout him as well, you take care and see you soon........
10 Jul, 2013
Hi Lincslass Thank You for kind remarks. Very confused about what took Tiny. So many members inc yourself have been very nice and understanding. Hope my good Lady can see her way to wanting another bird as i would jump at the suggestion. Very quiet in the house now but we feel Tiny hasn't quite gone if you know what i meen. Take care Tony
11 Jul, 2013
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Sorry to to hear this Tony.
7 Jul, 2013