Mans best freind
By 230338
Times like this i feel sorrey for the fear many animals have for fireworks damaging there sensitive ear,s. We seem to cope with the bangs and pops that are associated with explosions ,but then again we expect them at this time. Poor pets cannot cope with instant noise in many cases. Take care all Tony
4 Nov, 2013
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I agree with all comments above ...
... we are in the midst of a month of explosions
... every year the same ...
... extremely stressful for pets and for wildlife ..
... and for many innocent people ... :o(((
5 Nov, 2013
Have to agree, although so far this year we have been lucky, hardly anybody letting them off near us, not sure whether its the weather that put people off or the cost, its a wet day again so we'll see what happens tonight....
5 Nov, 2013
I think they are horrible things and should be banned.
I'm all for people enjoying themselves, but not when it causes such distress to others.
5 Nov, 2013
I do love fireworks but feel very sorry for animals who are afraid of them. We have had practically none this year, a real first. Usually we like to go to a big display over Solva harbour but we missed it this year - time has gone so fast lately and OH's birthday has crept up on me - Help!!
5 Nov, 2013
Hi nice people Seems so many members appreciate the discomfort our pets endure at this time. I hope that this year the fireworks are more under controled supervision than last year. For what its worth my opinion is total aggreement with you all please take care Tony
5 Nov, 2013
we have near neighbours who have fireworks throughout the year. starting new year'e eve/midnight, and we lose count in the summer. a barbecue isn't complete with out fireworks. We have pet rabbits and they aren't overjoyed but we give them lots of extra hay and straw and make big nests for them. they snuggle in together and come for extra cuddles.
6 Nov, 2013
Hi Seaburngirl Nice to hear from a considerate owner. Hope your pets settle down comfy for the night. I used to feed my Rabbits a mixture of Tea leaves and oats and they loved it. But that was years ago maybe there is a more staple food now. Take care Tony
6 Nov, 2013
I used to have a sailing club practising their safety procedures on the school playing field over my back fence - they haven't done it for a few years now, but just as you thought you'd survived Diwali and Guy Fawkes you would be in the middle of a barrage of distress flares for three hours.
6 Nov, 2013
Hi Urbanite Blimey now that would have driven anyone round the bend (LoL). Take care Tony
7 Nov, 2013
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I agree, a dog I had years ago would curl up by the kitchen sink and you couldn't move her. What was even more annoying was that the fireworks weren't confined to 1 night, but started a couple of weeks beforehand and continued for a couple of weeks after prolonging the stress. I have to say that the 2 cats I have got now don't seem too bothered about them.
5 Nov, 2013