exochorda x macrantha 'the bride'
By 3516rebecca
We were given this shrub 2 yers ago and it hasnt grown, let alone flowered! would appreciate any care tips… thanks
20 Oct, 2008
Hi I am having the same trouble, my husband thought it was a climber it looked so spindly. cannot see how it is going to turn into the shrub that I have seen in my garden books.
21 Oct, 2008
Rebecca ~ weclome to GoY. Enjoy. :o)
I have my Exochorda fixed back against a trellis. I guess it has been there about 5 years.
If I hadn't tied it up it would probably have been rather floppy-looking. But it is now about 6 feet high and has lovely white blossoms in springtime, which cascade forwards on long drooping branches. :o)
22 Oct, 2008
Thanks everyone for your advice, I am going to try and fix it against a trellis and feed in the spring, It does look so beautiful in the gardening books, I am just so impatient!! Althogh today I saw ONE new leaf appearing woo hoo!
22 Oct, 2008
3516rebecca ~
A new leaf ! It's alive and well !
Plants seem confused about the seasons this year.
Your plans sound sensible.
It would be interesting if you report back some time on how your Exochorda is progressing. :o)
22 Oct, 2008
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It does tend to be low-growing, rebecca. Mine is trying to flower NOW - silly shrub. This is its third year and it has only grown a few inches upwards. I think they are slow to get going. Try feeding it in the spring - that's what I'm going to do.
21 Oct, 2008