Bitzy's Profile

About me
I am currently studying for a degree in landscape Management at Hadlow college in kent.
I love my plants both in the wider landscape and in more ornamental gardens. One of my ideal days out would be visiting a garden, landscape I have never been to especially if it comes with a fabulous tea rooms or pub
Some women have problems with shopping addictions for handbags and shoes but with me its plants. I can not go anywhere that sells plants without one having to come home with me. Unfortunately my small terrace's garden does not allow for my collection to continue to grow at the rate it is currently at.
My garden is a work in progress. It is reasonably long and thin. It faces the wrong direction for ideal gardening conditions and also has to contend with a large German Shortaired Pointer who has a fondeness for doing his own gardening. My greatest love is grasses especially Pennisteum varities.
I am currently trying to create a patioed area with raised beds and would love some advice on and ideas for what I could use to retain these walls and how to go about building them.
I plan to have cluster pots on this patio as seen at Great Dixter. Though I feel I will struggle to create anything like the colours and variety they have there.
I love prairie plantings and my favourite landscape architect is JAmes Van sweden
What else
Joined in Jun 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Kent