The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Nearly there


By Carolyn


Well I finally got one part of the plot hammered together and in place, started again on Friday in my new welly boots I got for Christmas, there great. Dug up the turfs to use somewhere else in the garden. I had forgotten how much hard work it was. Back ache Friday after doing that lot, but sense of satisfaction. Next stage to dig over and put some compost on. Luckily today my father came and helped out and did the other bed in just an hour or two what it had taken me ages to do, good on ya dad!!! brill. Can now start looking at the seeds and plants I have bought to put in.

As it was nice I also had a scout round the garden see whats been happening inbetween the rain. The stawberry plants have grown lots and in need of attention.

The blueberry bush is beginning to bud again and looks healthy

The raspberrys looks dead, but then they always suprise me and produce loads of raspberrys, even though they are getting on now must be 7 years old

The butterfly bush has been severely cut back, but is already springing back with a few shoots already, it provides welcome shade to the pond in summer

More blog posts by Carolyn

Previous post: Raised Veggie Plot continued saga.....

Next post: Warming ground and killing weeds



Gr8! This took me back to when the children and I made out raised beds (will have to find the pics now). Aren't dads wonderful people?

11 Feb, 2008


Hey Carolyn

You be careful of your back !!!! Cant wait to see the vegie patch planted. :-)

11 Feb, 2008


Still got to start digging my plot Carolyn ,but Im sure once iget going Itll become easier (lets hope) must take some pics before and after .ALWAYS SAY IT NEVER DO IT LOL;.

12 Feb, 2008


Lovely wellies! :-)

12 Feb, 2008


I left my Butterfly bush with bit more growth than yours Carolyn as i want my Bushes2grow big :) il take some pic`s l8r in year then you can see them:)

20 Feb, 2008

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