The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Carolyn's Garden

Carolyn has added 8 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Acanthus Mollis (Bears Breaches)

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos

Genus: Acanthus.
Species: Acanthus mollis.

Tolerant of dry poor soils. Flowers Late summer for ages! Fast growing.
Cultivate by division or root cutting...


Added on 8 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

This plant was given to me. Amazing how it looks almost dead in winter, and has sprung to life again. Love the...

Agapanthus (White Superior)

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos

In pot. Likes sandy soil, not waterlogged. clumped/crowded, sun, can go by pond. Seperated the clumps in Feb 0...

Blackcurrent Bush - Ben Sarek

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 1 photo

Picked enough in June 2008 for a tart.

Blueberry Bush

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 3 photos


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 1 photo

Dug up April 2008 from side bed due to fence blowing down, tempory home in a pot (previously had the agapanthus ...


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 5 photos

Genus: Buddleja.
Species: Buddleja davidii.

This is by the pond to provide some shade and does its job by providing privacy, it has doubled since I moved it...


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos

April 2008 - Nothing showing yet, maybe given up, never really amounted to much this plant. Originated from Ham...


Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

Grows well each year. So far been in a pot at the bottom of my olive tree, but have just moved it to its own po...


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 1 photo


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 1 photo

Moved two of these plants this year, from the tap area, to the pond area. They have florished. Trouble is they...


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 10 photos

These have grown well and have seedling all over garden. I have sprinkled seeds around so hope to have more nex...


Added on 29 Feb, 2008 | 3 photos

Not sure what type. Seperated this clump for first time in 4 years so in pots and in garden beds.
these have f...

grape hyacinth

Added on 29 Feb, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Muscari.
Species: Muscari armeniacum.

Not sure which type. Moved from bed and put into two pots and put in front garden. Lets see if they grow as well.


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos

flowered for the first time in years, 2 years since I have had in pot in garden.
Not flowered this year, though...

Miniature Rose bush

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

This was given to me by a friend that went abroad. I have put in a pot and not much done to it. I have moved i...


Added on 2 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Mentha.
Species: Mentha longifolia.

Think it is common mint. Just started to sprout again in Feb

Mustard - ruby steaks

Added on 20 Apr, 2008 | 0 photos

Sow outdoors March-Aug thinkly half in 1cm deep in rows. allowing 10cm between rows, keep moist until seedling ...

Nadine Potato

Added on 12 Apr, 2008 | 0 photos

Cream skin, cream flesh. Firm, waxy texture.

This is a Second Early variety.

This variety is suitable for:...

Olive Tree

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 3 photos


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 1 photo

passion flower

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos

Grows avidly, a bit of a weed. Pulled up some more shoots this feb. Strangling my bottlebrush plant.

Have f...

Peony (white) - Sarah Bernhardt

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 1 photo

Re potted in Feb. Made shallower, nearer top of the pot. added some soil and dug over. Added pansies to surrou...


Added on 23 Oct, 2007 | 6 photos


Added on 29 Feb, 2008 | 2 photos

An odd few scattered around the garden

Radish - spanish breakfast

Added on 20 Apr, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: radish.

A quick growing oval shaped variety witha wonderful delicate flavour, perhfec tin salads.

Outdoor planting -...

Raspberry bushes

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos

These plants were in the garden when I got the house, about 7years ago. They have flourished by themselves, des...

Redcurrent Bush

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 1 photo

Rocket - Suzette

Added on 20 Apr, 2008 | 0 photos

Easy to grown variety. Spicy leaves which are perfect to mix with other salad leaf varieties.

Outdoor plantin...

Rocket and salad crops

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 0 photos

March 2008 - Rocket started growing again from last years and tasty in my salad


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 0 photos


Added on 18 Oct, 2007 | 0 photos

Standard Rose

Added on 7 May, 2008 | 0 photos

This was a gift from a wedding thankyou of the inlaws. Its been a bit mouldy and not flowered much in the last ...


Added on 9 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Got some plants off my father. Flowering in Aug. Pink, deep pink and white.

Strawberry plants

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 4 photos

Swiss Chard - Bright Lights

Added on 20 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

outdoors thinly 1in (2cm) deep in rows. keep soil moist. allow 30cm (12in) between rows. Thin to 6in (15cm) a...

Tomato plants

Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 2 photos

Aug 2008 - getting a handful of toms a day, enough to keep us going on salads. I even had enough for jakes part...

Vegetable Plot

Added on 10 Feb, 2008 | 27 photos

Started building plot early 2008.
Started sowing seeds April 2008
9 April - lettuce springing up, well touch o...


Added on 21 Oct, 2007 | 0 photos

never appeared must have got eaten.