Diohio's Profile

About me
I live in SE Ohio, married with 2 grown kids and a grandaughter, a Miniature Australian Shepherd, 8 cats, tropical fish and a koi pond. I love gardening and photographing nature. I also love snorkeling and scuba diving, linedancing and horses. Actually I love any kind of animal. During summer months I enjoy raising different moths and butterflies. My garden is full of nectar and host plants for them. We get many hummingbirds which , over the years, I've tried to plant flowers for them as well. There are 12-15 nectar feeders hanging out for them also. During peak months they will gobble up a gallon of sugarwater each day !
I have several water features to attract wildlife. I get several types of salamanders and newts, different treefrogs and regular frogs, turtles, snakes dragonflies and damselflies. The garden is really hoppin and buzzin most days. I hardly ever leave here for fear I'll miss something !
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Joined in Mar 2008
Country: United States
State: Perry County, Ohio