Elronda's Profile

About me
I am an avid and keen gardener but may not always know the latin name for plants..! My garden is my own little refuge and paradise..I grow a lot of my own produce and love flowers too..however, growing vegetables reaps its own rewards and taste that much better than those in the supermarket! My front garden is usually tended to by my daughter Lucy who shares my love of gardening...my youngest however, would rather sit there and look and eat the produce that I grow....typical young adult LOL! I do have a disability Fibromyalgia but I never ever let that stop me from gardening..but I do pace myself! I also have a great love of singing and often do to my plants....they love it...even if my neighbours think I am potty!!! LOL!
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Joined in May 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Gloucestershire