Gloriosa's Profile

About me
**This page is under construction**!!
However for those of a delicate disposition and about to call the RSPCA the cat in the photo is not mine (although I have one just like it!) and I certainly wouldn't ever hold any of my cats wearing nightwear like that!!
Well, what can I say ..... A classic right brainer really ... I dwell in the realm of creativity (or so I like to think)! Flowers (I trained and worked as a Florist for a few years), a Potter (check out my 'Peas in a Pod' photograph and you will see the sort of ceramic stuff I make!), plants, flowers, plants, flowers, plants, flowers .... and sewing quirky things! I will keep adding to this - but that's enough to let you know that I'm never going to enter any discussions on chemical structures of weed killers, ph levels of soil or cubic volumes of garden ponds!
Motto: Never put off 'til tomorrow what somebody else can do today!
Until soon -
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Joined in Jul 2008
Country: United Kingdom