Gunnera's Profile

About me
I've recently started a large garden (well for me anyway...) and I can now grow all the plants I love - plant no. 1 Gunnera!! I have two, the minature tinctoria and a 1 year old manicata :o) I also have a couple of rheums and a few bamboos. I never thought I'd have a tropical-style garden, but it sort of suits the site - although I'm at 230m in the snowdonia foothills, the gardens very sheltered by trees and doesnt get much direct sunlight. Thats just one area of the garden though, I also grow fruit & veg in the one area that does get sunlight and am planning a native species forest garden for this year. I garden organically, slugs and snails are kept mostly in check by toads and slow worms :o) My gardens not tidy - mostly as I dont have the time, but I think this has benefited wildlife and thats helped keeped pests down. Well so far...
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Joined in May 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Gwynedd