Helofadigger's Profile

About me
Hi all Hel here blissfully married to the wonderful Bob (25 years this Christmas) I'm 41 years old and we have two boys aged 23 and 19 who are still at home Lol.
The boys don't 'do' the garden as such these days but are always at hand if Bob or I need a strong pair of hands.
We moved into our present home two years ago and although we have got cracking on the front and side garden there is still so much to do...but we will get there I'm sure!
Sometimes we have to take things slow as my beloved husband (Bob) is at stage 4 kidney failure but bless him he does try to keep things going and he has got hooked on enjoying the garden as much as I do, thankfully he was able to take early retirement and this has helped out an awful lot ......we are great believers in having fun and lets face it life can throw you some bad eggs sometimes but if you can laugh about things it can help you cope through the bad times.;o)
We have always been very 'into' child friendly gardens (not that we have little grandkiddies at the moment) and believe in getting things ready for the future so when little ones do come along our gardens will be ready and hopefully a safe environment for them to enjoy.
Our fun loving ways are in evidence around the garden be it the every increasing growing animal topiary or our 'themes' which both young and old enjoy seem to enjoy.
I am by nature a ((hugger)) and that is why after almost every post I give 3 kisses after my name just wanted to add that in case you all thought I was being a little saucy!
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Joined in Mar 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Yorkshire/Deryshire border