My Fig Tree
By LadyEssex1
Well! Our Fig Tree was getting too big also it overhung one of our neighbours garden fence so we decided to prune it!
Well, it all started off ok but I think we got a Tad carried away, much to my neighbour’s joy in seeing it gone LOL.
We also tied up her fence as it is falling down due to it being old & rotten, she is short of money & can’t get it renewed for a while :o(( Not that it affects us at the moment :o))
Well! I said we got carried away didn’t I LOL
27 Sep, 2018
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Loads of figs but only a few had ripend so have taken it down to a manageable hight, Iām sure it will start to grow again š.
27 Sep, 2018
I've never seen such a big one! :)
27 Sep, 2018
It's about 25yrs old, I didn't contain the roots, just shoved it in LOL.
28 Sep, 2018
Oh my, that's more than a short back and
30 Sep, 2018
wow that is one heck of a prune. wonder if it will regrow or did you try to kill it off?
I take it you didn't eat the figs ;o)
27 Sep, 2018