Lestie's Profile

About me
Hello there, my name is Celeste, I live alone now with my dog Peppa (a piece of my heart on four legs), am sort of retired and I am the Manager/Caretaker of a small block of flats in a leafy suburb of Johannesburg (South Africa) called Killarney. We are on the highveld in a Summer Rainfall area where the weather is surely the best in the world! Winters average around 15C and while Summer can go up to 30C +, they average around 25C. This is not scientific, its just what I think! The rainfall is great but as with other areas in the world, there are new weather patterns appearing and I guess gardeners all over work with all they have and adapt as and when.
I have a wonderful sloping garden which has been largely neglected for many years. I want it to become more 'glected', 'bandoned' and become more 'gruntled' as I survey my direction and progress. Am taking pictures of before and after which I will post later. I would like to start a vegetable and herb patch, I would like to go as green and as organic as possible, would also like all garden aspects and plant groups to be represented, there is space and I have the time. To be further beguiled by flowers, scents, fruit, trees, colour, pots, water ... would be a treat, actually the list of what to do in the garden is endless.
Size? I am not sure, but around 1000 m2 I think, but I stand under correction. The back garden is the sloping wild one with big rocks and wonderful bird-life, the small front garden is well established and ready for an update and a change.
My late Mom instilled a love of gardening in me, she was a wizard especially with Roses, Carnations, Orchids and Cacti, but she just had green fingers and would smile at something and it would grow for her! I have had some good experience but have a great deal to learn still, so look forward to learning from this site. I have an ongoing interest in Bonsai, own 8 beautiful indigenous Bonsai trees and continue to learn here too.
What else
Joined in Oct 2008
Country: South Africa
County/State: Gauteng