update on the garden
By Marysia
Dear All
My husband has decided to grow some carrotts, broccoli, and chives this year. We have been successful on runner beans, the Pear tree, even though this year it does not seem to want to produce as much fruit, cucumber they are being a bit stubborn this year seeing we have the hot weather though, the romano peppers we are keeping indoors this year so hopefully they will change to red as my boss kept his plant on the window sill in his kitchen and they turned red, he has all the luck, then we have basil indoors which is flourishing and oh yes beetroot. My husband has had to put netting over the plants as something seems to be attacking them especially the broccoli some creature has eaten the green leaves. My petunias together with trailing lobelia seems to be thriving, bright purple they are, just like being in a mediterrean garden.
I must say when I was in Sardinia a few weeks the flowers were absolutely exquisite out there and the sea was so tropical and clear with a lovely shingle, wish we had a beach like that here, well I shall just have to do my best and try and win the lottery to be able to get a place like that out there.
Bye for now, Happy Summer everyone
Marysia x
27 Jun, 2009
I hope you're able to sort out the problem of whatever is eating your plants.
29 Jun, 2009
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Thanks Maysia! same to you, is it pigeons pecking your veg? I love Petunias cheerful flowers i think.
27 Jun, 2009