Orchidos's Profile

About me
I love gardening,growing plants and flowers from seeds,cuttings,layering or dividing.Propagating plants is my passion.I enjoy watching them grow till it blooms.I like to share to friends too.Every year or two I visit my native land.I spend my time reviving,multiplying my collections and invigorating my Mom's Bougainvilla collections.My Mesquite,TX garden....I grow hybrid tea roses,orchids hydrangeas, liliums, daylilies, hosta, gardenia, peonies, clematis christmas cactus and Thai hybrid euphorbia millii.I will be posting more pics soon.
Thank you for this website, it's so wonderful to be a member. Now I can finally share my gardens with the world and others with the same interest. Thank you all for appreciating the fruit of my labor. Your comments mean a lot. Thanks again.
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Joined in Apr 2008
Country: United States
State: Mesquite, Texas